User API module for HostBill lets your customer gain access to HTTP REST API to enable integrations with third party apps. API is self-documenting, so your clients will have nice, comprehensive documentation of all methods that your API offers. Module enables a multitude of different API calls, giving the end user multiple possibilities. Additionally, User-API calls can be easily extended by other modules with new calls (like trough OnApp or Cacti modules). Some of the core calls include: User Details, Account balance, List Invoices and Invoice Details, List Tickets and Ticket details, List Domains, Domain details or Domain availability, List services and Service details, Get upgrade options, Upgrade service, Update domain nameservers, manage DNS records, Payment Methods, Domain availability, Available TLDs, List SSL Certificates, Certificate details - just to name a few. Routes and functions can be easily managed (enabled/disabled, updated description) in the admin area.