4.1.8 Date: 12-21-2012


Added: Module: GoGetSSL.com SSL provisioning module http://hostbillapp.com/features/apps/gogetssl.html
Added: Plugin: Ticket Notes Preview - Get at a glance preview of ticket notes directly from ticket listing
Added: Developers: Its now possible to create simple clientarea dynamic pages http://dev.hostbillapp.com/procedural-dev-kit/adding-clientarea-pages/

Bugs Fixed

0000890: [adminarea] Set as Fraud option doesn't work with selected Orders (main Order list)
0000911: [adminarea] Provisioning of a Service/Account fails, if domain cannot be registered.
0000876: [clientarea] Domains - disabled period is shown in second step of domain registration/transfer.
0000880: [clientarea] Custom domain menu function variables is invalid.
0000893: [clientarea] PHP error while using Direct link /?cmd=cart&action=add&id=1.
0000899: [clientarea] Contacts can't view/read other contacts support tickets (Ticket_not_found error)
0000902: [clientarea] No SEO URLs when searching for articles
0000910: [clientarea] Problems with service upgrade/downgrade.
0000843: [general] Automation: Mails for account creation are sent constantly.
0000851: [general] Problem with SolusVM bandwidth display variable.
0000889: [general] Affilates: Landing page redirect doesn't work.
0000895: [general] Cron: attempt to terminate accounts that are already terminated.
0000299: [module] DirectAdmin Reseller Account Cannot be Activated, Error: Invalid Domain Name
0000621: [module] OVH module error: domains can't be transfered when "Use OVH DNS' option is off.
0000834: [module] ResellerClub API sends duplicates orders on bulk renewal
0000850: [module] RRPProxy module password displayed as plaintext on some older installations
0000863: [module] CloudStack: Network tab isn't visible until billing tab is clicked.
0000867: [module] Resell.biz module: contact can't be modified.
0000870: [module] MX record on the DNS manager can't be stores results in error.
0000883: [module] Twilio SMS module: Notifications are sent only in English (despite other langauge is chosen)
0000886: [module] PayZa payment gateway: despite the correct configuration payment isn't added in HostBill.

4.1.6 Date: 12-14-2012


Added: New Orderpage: Cloud Slider OneStep http://hostbillapp.com/features/order-pages.php
Added: Plugin: OrderPages A/B Testing http://wiki.hostbillapp.com/index.php?title=A/B_Testing_with_HostBill
Added: Module: ServerTastic SSL http://hostbillapp.com/features/apps/servertasticssl.html
Added: Support: Its now possible to define custom ticket status in Settings->Support->Ticket Statuses
Added: New Report: Number of tickets closed per staff member in given period
Added: New Report: Detailed list of all tickets in given period
Added: Privileges: Now you can disallow deletion of invoices, order, estimates and transactions
Added: General: Client select fields replaced to load via ajax
Added: Developers: Renewal method in provisioning modules http://dev.hostbillapp.com/dev-kit/provisioning-modules/ and account.renewal in simple modules: http://dev.hostbillapp.com/procedural-dev-kit/provisioning-modules/ to execute module code on service renew (recurring invoice paid)

Bugs Fixed

0000819: [adminarea] Knowlegebase: articles can't be added.
0000825: [adminarea] Affiliates: Affiliate assigned to an order has been deleted, no other affiliate can be assigned instead.
0000881: [adminarea] HostBill auto cancells unpaid orders.
0000882: [adminarea] SQL error after Ticket Views enabled.
0000858: [general] EU Invoicing model: Date of paid invoice is incorrect (it should be date of payment) on listing and pdfs
0000868: [general] Invoices are not unlocked after upgrade
0000081: [module] New email accounts created in cpanel have invalid password
0000776: [module] Wordpress module: auto install feature doesn't work.
0000810: [module] Geolocation plugin: error while adding new record.
0000811: [module] HTML integration plugin doesn't integrate with web correctly.
0000829: [module] OpenSRS - domain transfer/registration pricing glitch
0000835: [module] cPanel Email Management Module doesn't work.
0000855: [module] BitPay payment gateway: Error during redirection to gateway.
0000884: [module] IPAM: Its not possible to assign single IP in colocation/dedicated servers section

4.1.4 Date: 12-07-2012


Added: Module: BitPay.com payment gateway http://hostbillapp.com/features/apps/bitpay.html
Added: Clientarea: Signup captcha - you can enable captcha in Clients registration fields and block spam signups
Added: Clients: Its now possible to upload and attach file to client profile
Added: Security: Its now possible to limit access for certain API functions for API ID/Keys from admin interface
Added: Settings: Fixed invoice client data - option to store client details in invoice during its generation, to avoid it edits (EU invoice model) http://wiki.hostbillapp.com/index.php?title=Invoice_Fixed_Client_Data
Added: Settings: DD.MM.YYYY Date format support
Added: Module: Dedicated servers manager: 50, 55 and 58U rack sizes
Added: Developers: New API methods: addClientFile - Add file to client profile, getClientFiles - List client files, deleteClientFile - Delete client's file
Added: Developers: New API method: tokenizeClientCard - Tokenize Client's Credit Card
Added: Clientarea: Captcha can now be refreshed if its not readable
Changed: Cloudstack: Storage tags and storage type (local/shared) are now different options

Bugs Fixed

0000655: [adminarea] Task list: auto provisioning tasks ( suspend/terminate task) fail.
0000750: [adminarea] AdminArea: Error when creating/editing Knowledgebase articles
0000791: [adminarea] Recalculation in adminarea doesn't work for default value.
0000802: [adminarea] SQL error while editing Knowlegebase articles.
0000828: [adminarea] SQL error with Knowledgebase forms
0000767: [cart] Cloud Order order page: problem with correct display in different browsers.
0000817: [cart] Simple Checkout, One step: Clients info - countries displayed as a list, not a drop-down menu.
0000826: [cart] Orderpage: Smart Wizard - cart5.tpl file is missing causing errors
0000846: [cart] Credit Cards are not stored when entered from Cart during order
0000848: [cart] Execute step Unlock invoice for customer - always mark as FAILED in order log
0000785: [clientarea] Clientarea: signup page accessible while logged in
0000842: [clientarea] Cloudstack: missing cancellation link
0000723: [general] Knowlegebase: saved articles aren't displayed both in admin and clientarea.
0000778: [general] Fancy 4 comparison boxes: Left block footer text can't be edited - no space to type anything in.
0000806: [general] Billing: Payment made form clients credit is marked off as PayPal.
0000840: [general] PDF Invoices are not sent if memory_limit is set to -1
0000646: [module] MaxMind encoding error when non-ascii characters used.
0000705: [module] InterWorx module: PHP error while accounts import.
0000746: [module] CloudStack: Console Access denied. Invalid web session or API key in request
0000782: [module] Xenserver: error for more then one ISCSI SR and VM > 29 GB is created.
0000803: [module] Authorize.Net: payment amount is wrongly dispalyed in adminarea.
0000823: [module] SSL Store Module - Bulk Price Upgrade retests previously sat pricing options.
0000830: [module] MaxMind: License key required error (after latest upgrade)
0000841: [module] Cloudstack: Firewall - CIDR is rejected

4.1.2 Date: 11-30-2012


Added: Module: OnApp: Its now possible to limit single VM disk/swap created by client interface within client's Virtual Datacenter
Added: Module: Cloudstack - option to reset root password (if os template supports it) and account password
Added: Module: Cloudstack - it is now posble to use storage tags and chose between local and shared storage
Added: Module: Cloudstack - option to offer High Availability (HA) for new VM
Changed: Module: Cloudstack - moved network options for cloud type provisioning from single vps view to vm list
Added: Module: Proxmox - OpenVZ virtualization support
Added: Module: Proxmox - IPAM module support - automatically assign IPs to machines from IPAM module
Added: Plugin: Log Rotation - automatically backup log tables and truncate them for improved performance
Added: Module: IPAM/colocation - its now possible to assign entire IP list/pool to account
Added: Report: Weekend support by staff member in given period
Added: Invoices: Account addons are now always listed below related account on automatically generated invoices

Bugs Fixed

0000717: [adminarea] Invoices: The third overdue reminder (account termination) email isn't sent to client & in admin cron email.
0000730: [adminarea] Invoices: Only the first form multiple downloaded pdf invoices contain a logo.
0000765: [adminarea] Tickets: Ticket auto-response is addressed as to admin rather than client
0000693: [cart] Order: All available addons are displayed (even those aren't connected with the product)
0000729: [cart] Bookshelf order page: Cart Summary follows the view while scrolling down.
0000768: [cart] Package sliders, One-step Order Page: domain name is required but there is no place to type it in.
0000763: [clientarea] English typos in Nextgen_Clean template.
0000787: [clientarea] Cloudstack: Users can create VM over their resource limit
0000804: [clientarea] Client Contacts: Uncaught Exception while trying to log-in as contact without privileges
0000747: [general] Email template variables: {$order.total|price:$currency} acts different while ordering product and upgrades.
0000759: [general] Invoice reminders aren't sent for due invoices, but they are sent correctly for overdue invoices.
0000805: [general] Update: Update to higher version occasionally times out
0000645: [module] CSV_Data_Exporter plugin PHP error
0000728: [module] Paymate payment gateway: Payment authorization failed error.
0000736: [module] CloudStack VM: the root password can' be changed.
0000739: [module] CloudStack: resources upgrade stated as successful, but no update actually takes place.
0000755: [module] SmarterMail: failure while provisioning new domains.
0000786: [module] Cloudstack: Error while deleting firewall rules
0000788: [module] Cloudstack: Service offerings are left undeleted when provisioning fails
0000797: [module] OpenSrs: Strict standards warning on PHP 5.3
0000818: [module] Cloudstack: VM with static nat ip also display source nat ip

4.1.0 Date: 11-23-2012


Added: New Orderpage: Cloud order, One-step orderpage: http://hostbillapp.com/features/order-pages.php
Added: New Orderpage: Package sliders, One-step orderpage: http://hostbillapp.com/features/order-pages.php
Added: Module: GoCardless.com - new payment gateway http://hostbillapp.com/features/apps/gocardless.html
Added: Tickets: Ticket views - select which tickets should be listed and how you want them to be presented to you http://blog.hostbillapp.com/?p=641
Added: Tickets: Option to filter tickets using multiple tags with toggle on/off option
Added: Tickets Macros: Option to define tags that will be removed from tickets when criterias are met
Added: Module: OnApp: Clients can now track their VM's main disk usage graphs - Hourly IOPS & Hourly Data written/read
Added: Module: OnApp: Configuration Option to enable auto-backup for single-vps customer machines
Added: Module: OnApp: Importing accounts (Extras->Import accounts) now shows memory & disk limit for easier account reference
Added: Module: OnApp: Importing accounts now properly imports hostname, used IP addresses, memory & disk usage
Added: Module: FreeRadius: Ability to store user password as NT-Password (ie. for MS-CHAP and MS-CHAPv2 authentication)
Added: Reports: New Report: All transactions informations in given period with purchased items details

Bugs Fixed

0000731: [adminarea] SQL error while changing decimal place to 3.
0000754: [general] Devkit: billing/metered.yml not loaded in product configuration GUI
0000575: [module] Onapp and HostBill clash: downgrades are processed differently that caused error.
0000647: [module] OnApp: the field "domain" isn't set in the "hb_accounts" when imported to VPS products.
0000715: [module] OnApp CDN: "Show Edge Group on Map" doesn't load behind https.
0000738: [module] Mobile notifications: Mistake in SMS display.
0000744: [module] OnApp: The upgrade of the Port Speed is not available
0000753: [module] OpenStack: Suspend & Terminate single VM account fails (vm_state is SUSPENDED)
0000760: [module] OnApp: Disk/Memory usage bar overflow in admin listing
0000761: [module] OnApp CDN: Misspelled HTTP Prefetch in client GUI
0000751: [security] Minor: Potential xss vulnerability on selected cart templates

4.0.8 Date: 11-16-2012


Added: Plugin: Expiring Credit Cards notification module http://wiki.hostbillapp.com/index.php?title=Credit_Cards_expiration_notices
Added: Plugin: Geolocation - set appropriate user language, currency or available gateways for your client basing on their location http://wiki.hostbillapp.com/index.php?title=Geolocation_plugin
Added: Module: OnApp: Cloud customers can now manage additional disks - create, edit & remove them from VMs
Added: Module: OpenStack: Ability to assign/release Floating IPs directly from client interface
Added: Module: OpenStack: Security group management section: Manage security groups, rules - for each VM and private cloud
Added: Affiliates: Vouchers audience option - allow creating vouchers for existing or new customers
Added: Affiliates: Option to disallow using vouchers when client is not referred by affiliate link
Added: Affiliates: Option to calculate full commision amount from orders that use promotion code created by your staff
Added: Module: WorldPay Futurepay: Ability to define preferred account in module configuration
Added: Plugin: State/Province select: Isle of Man for UK teritory
Added: Developers: Token-enabled Merchant payment gateways now supports token_delete http://dev.hostbillapp.com/dev-kit/payment-gateway-modules/merchant-gateways-modules/

Bugs Fixed

0000411: [cart] Enom: Error while CSR ordering: The CSR cannot be empty.
0000694: [cart] Smart Wizard Template - The width is broken
0000695: [cart] Gauges order page: during checkout the credit card image is missed.
0000698: [cart] Invoice paid by credit generates an error
0000701: [cart] Supplied TLD is incorrect error for .ps and .com.ps domians.
0000732: [cart] Random exeptions while attempting to use custom-built module
0000685: [clientarea] images tags in affiliates integration code are displayed as images instead of code
0000686: [clientarea] Promo codes: the discount isn't visible during the order and the invoice isn't generated.
0000699: [clientarea] Knowledgebase hints do not work with non latin based character sets
0000700: [general] Late fees are not applied
0000552: [module] vCloud Integration doesn't save vDC Configuration Values
0000553: [module] Hsbc payment gateway: Gateway log: unable to parse response data.
0000683: [module] Additional pages for VPS accounts list are not displayed
0000691: [module] RRPProxy: .fr domain extension is reporting misssing form field
0000706: [module] OnApp Reseller: Using windows license throws error about MAK/KMS licensing

4.0.6 Date: 11-09-2012


Added: Module: OpenStack Provisioning provision public, private clouds, single VPS, full-control from client interface http://hostbillapp.com/features/apps/openstack/
Added: New Orderpage: Premade sliders wizard orderpage: http://hostbillapp.com/features/order-pages.php
Added: Module: WorldPay Futurepay: Clients can now manage their agreements directly from clientarea http://hostbillapp.com/features/apps/worldpay.html
Added: Module: WorldPay Futurepay: Staff members can debit agreements directly from Orders & invoice details screen

Bugs Fixed

0000652: [adminarea] Raports: "List of all invoices in given period" shows only paid invoices.
0000659: [adminarea] Form for adding new clients in adminarea has additional '_none' fields
0000662: [adminarea] Admin language: KB articles can't be added and edited if English title was left empty
0000665: [adminarea] Affiliates: PHP error while affilaite activation/managing.
0000666: [adminarea] Promo codes can't be applied when the order is placed manually by admin.
0000678: [adminarea] Affiliate: commissions are displayed fore each account instead of each order
0000682: [adminarea] Domain registration order page: prices can't be sat correctly.
0000663: [api] Exception when using from/to parameters for getInvoicePDF
0000675: [api] API: SetClientsDetails call - potential inappropriateness.
0000661: [cart] Currency is not recalculated when ordering products with prorata
0000673: [cart] Domains added in bulk can't be checked for availability in clientarea
0000629: [clientarea] A blank error when wrong type of data is entered in the input on client registration - closed.
0000648: [clientarea] Search function doesn't work in multilingual Knolwedgebase articles.
0000650: [general] Domains are renewed on payment even though all automation is off. - closed.
0000667: [general] Invoices: Overdue template is sent to client instead of Reminder template when admin sends a reminder email.
0000653: [module] SolusVM: No response from server error after some time - while VPS checking vps details.
0000657: [module] PowerDNS: TXT / SPF records aren't editable.
0000658: [module] PowerDNS: PTR entries add domain at end of line
0000664: [module] Invoice doesn't display components quantity equal 1. - closed.
0000671: [module] Proxmox: Login to Proxmox button doesn't work.

4.0.4 Date: 11-02-2012


Added: Language management: Option to show untranslated and empty lines http://blog.hostbillapp.com/?p=635
Added: Module: OnApp: New Client function - logs. Client can now browse virtual machine logs from HB Client interface
Added: Language management: Option to show translations from all sections
Added: Reports: New report: 15 clients with highest number of tickets
Added: Reports: New report: List all suspended accounts with their suspension dates
Added: API: setClientDetails - used to change client information
Added: API: getPDFInvoices - used to retrive invoices as PDF files
Added: Cart: Added translation possiblities to over 100 phrases (previously hard-coded) in all order pages

Bugs Fixed

0000581: [adminarea] Reports: Currencies symbols wrongly displayed.
0000622: [adminarea] Registration fields: newly added textbox field doesn't save any changes.
0000632: [adminarea] Support ticket error while opening a ticket form adminarea. - closed.
0000638: [adminarea] Product Addons: Its not possible to uncheck once checked box in addon configuration
0000644: [adminarea] Domain expiration date synchronization task fails with PHP error.
0000518: [cart] Custom forms discount is wronly calculated when prorata is used
0000601: [cart] Gauge Slider, One-step: Field logic doesn't work.
0000619: [cart] Dedicated Servers Pro-Order Page: Domain name is required even though there is no place to type it in.
0000631: [cart] Dedicated servers Pro-Order Form: Field logic doesn't work
0000593: [clientarea] Clientarea: Additional contact can view/change cc details of the main contact.
0000626: [clientarea] Clientarea: No Cancellation Request available for PowerDNS products.
0000566: [general] Task list: Synchronize domain expiration dates with registrars puts wrong value (ResellerClub)
0000613: [general] Payment buttons in invoice - non translatable.
0000620: [general] Customwhois: whois() method isn't brought on.
0000625: [general] Smart search: works only for registered clients.
0000630: [general] Hard-coded sections in order pages.
0000641: [general] Invoices: Bulk payment invoice in EU model receives paid id, no longer being marked as pro-forma
0000649: [general] Metered Billing: Overage billing calculate incorrect price with usage spikes
0000564: [module] IPAM exception error while reactivating the module.
0000618: [module] HBSlider: Generating slides throw exception with kenburns effect on
0000621: [module] OVH module error: domains can't be registered when "Use OVH DNS" option is off.
0000448: [module] OVH Soapi Error while connection attempt.
0000624: [module] SolusVM: OS feature doesn't work for both Openvz/KVM in clientarea.
0000639: [module] BoxisSMS, module use outdated xml endpoint.
0000642: [module] OnApp: During connection problems module spits out debug data

4.0.2 Date: 10-26-2012


Added: Smart Search - now more precise with better results presentation http://blog.hostbillapp.com/?p=631
Added: Module: Cloudstack: Allocating public IP addresses, ability to enable/disable static NAT from IPs tab
Added: Module: Cloudstack: Port fowarding & firewall for advanced networking
Added: Module: Cloudstack: Improved test connection functionality
Added: Module: OnApp: Admin smart search now automatically search trough cloud/vm IPs in machines provisioned trough HostBill
Added: Module: InternetSecure CIBM - Export Script functionality http://hostbillapp.com/features/apps/internetsecure_cimb.html
Added: Module: IPAM - IP search is now available from Smart Search bar
Added: Metered Billing: Introducing new metered billing method - overage - great for vps/cloud bandwidths dev.hostbillapp.com
Added: Developers: Easy current encoded modules extension/duplication: dev.hostbillapp.com
Added: Invoices: Notification/error bar in clientarea invoice details screen
Added: MassEmail: Option to send emails in html or plain text

Bugs Fixed

0000603: [adminarea] Ticket Sharing: Attachments are invisible with open tickets.
0000614: [adminarea] Smart Search: Its not possible to search invoice by its paid id (EU Billing model)
0000615: [adminarea] Smart Search: Searching unpaid invoice with prefix do not work
0000616: [adminarea] Support: edditing reply in shared tickets results in nested function error
0000571: [api] HostBill API: verifyClientLogin does not work
0000617: [api] Metered Billing code samples at dev.hostbillapp.com throws exceptions
0000576: [cart] Checkdomain: .be domain search availability doesn't work.
0000604: [cart] Dedicated servers Pro-Order Form: Sub-products selected aren't displayed during order.
0000559: [clientarea] Password can't be changed in clientarea (after 4.0.0.)
0000579: [clientarea] Clientarea: Client can't proceed to the all pages to view All tickets - it always redirects to 1 page.
0000587: [clientarea] Clientarea: Client can't add attachment to support ticket (PHP error occurred)
0000612: [clientarea] Theme: Nextgen Clean: Ticket subject/number is missing from view
0000554: [general] Currency: Main currency format is wrongly displayed in the product/service pricing.
0000369: [module] PDU Reboots doesn't work in clientarea even though they are shown in adminarea.
0000412: [module] InternetX error while domain registration.
0000560: [module] OnApp: VPS - IPs can't be search.
0000572: [module] OnApp v3: No details form server are pulled, test configuration fails.
0000578: [module] WorldPay Futurepay: Client name is not sent to worldpay
0000580: [module] WorldPay Futurepay: FuturePay ID is not stored for old customers
0000589: [module] IPAM: module dosn't work with reverse DNS
0000590: [module] InternetSecure CIMB: Export URL works, but do not set invoice as paid
0000508: [module] Cloudstack firewall doesn't work properly.
0000375: [module] Cloudstack: advanced networking firewall do not work
0000598: [module] Cloudstack: Data disk while creating VMs can't be set to 0
0000599: [module] Cloudstack: When VM behind Virtual Router ( Source NAT ) hostbill should display the IP of Source NAT
0000600: [module] Cloudstack: Resource tabs displays CPU priority instead of CPS speed
0000602: [module] Cloudstack: Storage tabs displays disk from all VMs, instead of those assigned to current VM

4.0.0 Date: 10-19-2012


Added: New Orderpage: Smart wizard orderpage: http://hostbillapp.com/features/order-pages.php
Added: Reports: You can generate insightful audit/reports, with easily customizable output in HTML, PDF, CSV, TXT & more! http://blog.hostbillapp.com/?p=620
Added: Payment Gateway: SagePay 3D Secure http://hostbillapp.com/features/apps/sagepay.html
Added: Payment Gateway: WorldPay Futurepay - now creates unlimited agreement, only one per customer http://hostbillapp.com/features/apps/worldpay.html
Added: Payment Gateway: Direct Debit http://hostbillapp.com/features/apps/direct_debit.html
Added: Registration Fields: Its now possible to define Admin-Only fields for client profiles
Added: DevKit: Built-in support for 3D Secure process in merchant payment gateways http://dev.hostbillapp.com/dev-kit/
Changed: Devkit: Fee is now not required when adding transactions from OOP Gateway modules

Bugs Fixed

0000558: [security] Major: SQL Injection Vulnerability discovered in clientarea section
0000524: [security] Cart: Spoofing request can lead to 0.00 order total and account auto-creation
0000533: [security] Cross-host request allows to change install_url value in database
0000532: [adminarea] Clients: Reset & send password button sends wrong password
0000548: [adminarea] Affiliates: Landing page redirect can't be edited.
0000549: [adminarea] Language tags are left untranslated in order view
0000520: [clientarea] Downgrades: Downgrading & upgrading multiple sliders at once do not credit invoice
0000527: [clientarea] Clients can't change their passwords through Clientarea (after 3.9.9)
0000545: [clientarea] Cancellation links missing from service list view
0000555: [clientarea] Form Upgrades: If upgrade consists tax, its deducted on invoice by credit applied
0000556: [clientarea] Upgrades: Upgrading to higher package with sliders on previous set above defaults mess calculation
0000240: [general] Product translation is displayed in the Order page but e-mail is sent with translation code e.g {$lang.customline002
0000557: [general] Metered Billing: Volume scheme with no-charge bracket charges full price when reached billable one
0000118: [module] Onapp Load Balancer - can't remove attached nodes
0000543: [module] OnApp: HostBill attempts to use MAK licensing while creating vm with KMS licensed template
0000544: [module] Onapp CDN - {$service.slug} missing from clientarea service listing
0000450: [module] Onapp: Setting resources in clientarea - the hourly price is changed with sliders but not with the text boxes.
0000522: [module] OnApp: Upgrading package with addons applied results in _limit error
0000523: [module] OnApp: Creating addon with metered billing package do not apply resource pricing to billing plan
0000541: [module] OnApp: Price per hour is shown in clientarea, even when metered is disabled in related product
0000521: [module] Cloud Modules: Importing form from product config pops-up empty config item
0000422: [module] VPS.Net module: VNC Console is not available - closed.
0000460: [module] Citrix XenServer cannot create VMs on shared/network storage repositories
0000526: [module] SolusVM: reboot button doesn't work for VM created by Cloud hosting.
0000536: [module] Smartermail: App configuration displays unused access hash field
0000542: [module] cPanel Manage 2: PHP error while viewing the cpanel licence info.
0000546: [module] HBSlider: Generating ZIP archive do not include selected style css

3.9.9 Date: 10-12-2012


Added: Security: Client & Admin passwords are now stored using bcrypt
Added: Plugin: Google Analytics plugin with Ecommerce tracking http://dev.hostbillapp.com/additional-resources/adding-google-analytics-ecommerce-tracking/
Added: Auto-Upgrade: Its now possible to define list of files/folders that auto-upgrade should not overwrite http://wiki.hostbillapp.com/index.php?title=Auto-Upgrade_plugin
Added: Adminarea: Admin can now mark ticket as read in bulk
Added: Adminarea: Long ticket threads are now automatically collapsed
Added: Module: FreeRadius: Admin can now choose what sort of password hashing should be used for FreeRadius packages
Added: Module: HBSlider - New effect: CSS3 based Ken Burns effect
Added: Installation: Check for ByteCP presence during install, to avoid using wrong install method
Improved: Lowered memory consumption during Invoice PDF generation with mpdf library

Bugs Fixed

0000352: [cart] The order form doesn't include tax for new customers, however it is added to payment.
0000485: [cart] Bookshelf order page: it redirects to the mail page instead of creating order.
0000507: [cart] Onestep Slider Boxes Order Page: domains are doubled after adding hosting.
0000488: [clientarea] Downgrades: Downgrading package with slider, back to slider defaults results in wrong price calculation
0000519: [clientarea] Forms: Downgrading multiple form components can lead to invoice generation rather than credit applied
0000384: [general] Domain Synchronization Issue: Renewal dates are changed to the one domain's renewal date.
0000482: [general] Metered Billing: Volume variables are incorrectly added
0000484: [general] Metered Billing: Daily averages for scheme other than unit shows multiplied values
0000490: [general] 500 error when previewing invoice
0000491: [general] Registration fields (email, password) can't be edited in any premade profile.
0000495: [general] Fields hidden to users appear in invoice.
0000501: [general] Premade tax change to 21% for Spain (IVA)
0000481: [module] OnAppDNS: SRV record gets name field duplicated in GUI
0000486: [module] Autoupgrade: after successful upgrade info about patch is still displayed
0000487: [module] OnApp: Account termination fails due to vms attached to account, but its not attempted again
0000498: [module] IPAM: Any IP address can't be added to the newly created network.
0000505: [module] FreeRadius: Changing password in clientarea set plain password in freeRadius DB
0000506: [module] IPAM exception error while importing form onapp or filling the pool.
0000509: [module] SolusVM: VM can't be created through API.
0000511: [module] HBSlider: Preview is not working for slideshows without slides
0000512: [module] Virtualmin: Connection times out during account creation after 30s
0000514: [module] PowerDNS: customer can't buy the same service twice as the order deleted form HB isn't deleted form db.

3.9.8 Date: 10-05-2012


Added: Plugin: HostBill Content Slider: Powerful, flexible and multipurpose content slider for your orderpages/website/blog http://hostbillapp.com/features/apps/hb_slider.html
Added: New Orderpage: BookShelf orderpage: http://hostbillapp.com/features/order-pages.php
Added: New Orderpage: Slideshow using Content slider plugin: http://hostbillapp.com/features/order-pages.php
Added: Settings: Its now possible to disable IP Security for clientarea
Added: Fast domain price configuration - you can now define TLDs in bulk
Changed: 21% Premade Vat Tax for NL

Bugs Fixed

0000453: [adminarea] Typo in requirements reading that required php is 5.2
0000480: [adminarea] Can't select other languages while editing knowlegebase articles i more than 4 languages are installed
0000424: [cart] Pro-rata billing isn't calculated properly after order submission - closed.
0000455: [cart] Fancy 4 comparison boxes: wrong currency sign is displayed, green numbers shown in grey.
0000458: [cart] Premade Sliders one-Step Order page: images for product can not be uploaded/assigned using Chrome - closed.
0000439: [general] Email template: "Client: Ticket:New' is sent in English even it has been translated. All other templates are sent as translated.
0000326: [module] ResellerClub: invalid parameters for .au domains
0000440: [module] SolusVM: VPS info is not shown when in suspended state
0000467: [module] The domain check works in the client area while WHOIS doesn't work while checking bulk domain register.
0000469: [module] SolusVm error: Virtual server not found error

3.9.6 Date: 09-28-2012


Added: New Orderpage: Fancy 4 comparison boxes http://hostbillapp.com/features/order-pages.php
Added: Clientarea: Automatic file uploads, allowing clients uploading attachments during reply creation http://blog.hostbillapp.com/?p=603
Added: Colocation/Dedicated servers: Client-Configurable bandwidth billing & limits http://blog.hostbillapp.com/?p=609
Added: Forms: HostBill will now warn if max_input_vars is too low to save forms
Changed: Clientarea: Added translation possiblities to over 35 phrases (previously hard-coded)
Changed: SolusVM: Usernames for single vps customers is now generated based on hostname rather than client_id
Changed: PowerDNS: Adding records to domain now require providing hostname rather than FQDN
Changed: Minimal PHP version required is now PHP 5.3

Bugs Fixed

0000430: [adminarea] Accounts: Filtering trough accounts use package name rather than package ID
0000367: [cart] Premade Sliders, One-step: Bugs list
0000394: [clientarea] Old invoices may display deactivated payment gateway form.
0000416: [clientarea] OrderPage: BootStrap slider: css classess are not applied to sliders, causing field logic to break
0000436: [clientarea] Clients can't add addons to account - the option appears but it's not clickable.
0000446: [clientarea] LiveChat: Missing csrf token in clientarea prevents from beginning chat
0000364: [general] Exporting product components to another product page doesn't export the Field Logic settings
0000402: [general] After termination, only one addon is terminated, the rest still generate invoices. - closed.
0000441: [general] Order drafts: The bottom delete button and trashcan don't delete drafts. Only, the top delete works.
0000452: [general] Exception error while adding client as affiliate
0000309: [module] Transaction subject/Invoice name sent to payment gateways differ from those in clientarea - closed.
0000362: [module] SolusVm error: Invalid node while creating VPS accounts after the order is accepted.
0000374: [module] The SSL Store: unable to configure free certificates - closed.
0000391: [module] WebNic error: System message (Invalid length of Password field. while domain transfer
0000415: [module] Hexonet registrar module does not add required parametrs for TLDs
0000443: [module] Observium: Graphs do not load if observium setting.allow_unauth_graphs_cidr is enabled
0000445: [module] OnApp: Clients can use their paid OS template more than once
0000449: [module] PowerDNS: Potential cross-zone record modification issue

3.9.4 Date: 09-21-2012


Added: HostBill Owned license users can now register for free OpenSRS reseller account, available in our clientarea under Partners section
Added: Module: freeRADIUS - you can now auto-create/suspend/unsuspend accounts in freeRADIUS db - ideal for VPN hosting! http://hostbillapp.com/features/apps/freeradius.html
Added: Module: Manual SSL - want to sell SSL, but your provider dont have API or HostBill support? Not a problem - get email notifications about pending certificates! http://hostbillapp.com/features/apps/manualssl.html
Added: Module: OnApp - more precise metered billing calculation
Added: Support: You can now enable ratings for your staff replies
Added: Support: Staff members now can be auto-assigned to tickets with simple round-robin
Added: Adminarea: Two new permissions in admin ACL: Allow for deleting clients & allow for deleting services
Added: Registration Fields: Its now possible to prevent user from editing email field after signup
Added: Developers API: additional params to addInvoicePayment API call
Added: Developers: Simple access to HostBill logs hhttp://dev.hostbillapp.com/additional-resources/errorevents-logging-in-hostbill/

Bugs Fixed

0000336: [adminarea] All domains unavailable from adminarea whois
0000392: [adminarea] Orders: Its not possible to place order for service with forms
0000395: [adminarea] Ticket Macros: Its not possible to remove macro category
0000407: [adminarea] Adding knowledge base articles from sent tickets does not work
0000307: [cart] Changing order page currency prevents any other action - closed.
0000328: [cart] Domain Order error while adding a new domain.
0000354: [cart] Single page cart: the submitted order has a different domain in the product to that in the registration.
0000376: [cart] Order Page graphic error: The alignment is off as indicated by the arrow, between the domain name and the extension dropdown.
0000389: [cart] Bulk domain input has additional blue border when focused in Chrome
0000381: [clientarea] PDF Invoices: Hebrew font is not properly displayed for PDF invoices using mpdf
0000398: [clientarea] Registration Fields: Making field non-editable will result in {field}_error in clientarea on edit attempt
0000409: [clientarea] Invoices: Exception while sorting invoices list in clientarea
0000327: [general] Domain form could not display the full sentence either in admin and client section
0000370: [general] Product addons SQL error: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation
0000385: [general] Customers who are exempt from tax still have to pay it when it is set as inclusive
0000397: [general] Email templates: {$service.forms} is not accessible in account created emails
0000316: [module] cPanel Import: New Client creation failed - email format error
0000337: [module] VMware Vcloud error: Test Configuration failed can not be completed.
0000343: [module] Direct Cart Links plugin: It does not work with SSL Certificates orderpages
0000349: [module] SolusVm error: After payment is recieved there is no possibility to edit Burst RAM for Openvz virtualization.
0000356: [module] cPanel: Connect with App function doesn't read package details from whm in 3.9
0000363: [module] Onapp's functionality glitch: Cloud hosting users have their created VM doubled. After update to 3.9.2)
0000371: [module] PayPal: Broken headers in PayPal IPN response prevents transactions from being applied
0000382: [module] Prowl/NMA: Empty chars in api keys causes notifications not being delivered

3.9.2 Date: 09-14-2012


Added: Amazing New Orderpage: Premade slider - create nodes as products and premade stacks i.e. wordpress - ideal for VPS http://hostbillapp.com/features/order-pages.php
Added: New Orderpage: SSL Certificates order variation http://hostbillapp.com/features/order-pages.php
Added: Auto-Upgrade: Its now possible to download & apply patch manually from plugin
Added: Module: BuyCpanel.com - provision licenses directly from HostBill http://hostbillapp.com/features/apps/buycpanel.html
Added: Module: OnApp - Its now possible to define sliders for Data sent / Data received limits
Added: Module: OnApp - "vCPU" - you can now hide CPU Priority from your clients in product settings and offer fixed /core value
Added: Module: MAK & KMS Licensing is now enabled by default on created billing plans
Added: PayPal: HTTP protocol in IPN updated to 1.1 (as required by PayPal before Feb 2013)
Added: Adminarea: Its now possible to bulk-update all prices in given category (ie. set all domain prices, increase prices at once)
Added: Adminarea: Admin can now assign order scenario to orderpage
Changed: Automation: Domain synchronization task is now set to run every hour
Added: Developers: Article on editing whois servers list Read more
Added: Developers: Ability to fast-translate strings in custom modules to active languages Read more
Added: Developers: Article on creating OOP merchant payment gateways modules Read more
Added: Developers: Tokenization for OOP merchant payment gateways Read more
Added: Developers: Ability to check if transaction added by payment gateway already exists in HostBill: Read more

Bugs Fixed

0000323: [adminarea] Manual use of "Enable Invoice" step in order steps do not set invoice as visible in clientarea
0000333: [adminarea] "Synchronize domain expiration dates with registrars" task set to run once a week, needs to more often
0000357: [adminarea] Services: Configuring new product do not load list of available servers
0000315: [clientarea] Spelling mistake in URL index.php/affiliates/singup/
0000329: [clientarea] New invoice notify emails are sent eventhough order was marked as fraud
0000358: [clientarea] Chat: Not logged in user may be unable to begin chat conversation
0000359: [general] Automation: Eventhough product automation is disabled its still autoprovisioned if ordered with domain
0000360: [general] Upgrade: After upgrade link to admin panel is incorrect for panels with changed location
0000123: [module] OnappCDN Error "User role you want to use (OnApp role name: ) is missing some privileges
0000258: [module] Bean stream isn't shown on payment page but is shown as enabled on the backend
0000310: [module] The usage graphs for SolusVM aren't shown in client area. [3.9]
0000320: [module] [OnApp] Usage charts aren't shown in usage statistics
0000340: [module] OnApp: Auto-Created VM for Single VPS provisioning is created at wrong HV group if more than 1 group configured
0000345: [module] OnApp: Some client accounts might be omited for hourly data fetch from OnApp
0000346: [module] OnApp: Metered billing can report huge usage data when not properly ran for a while
0000347: [module] OnApp: Metered billing reports can skip values if out of sync with OnApp

3.9.0 Date: 09-07-2012


Updated: Module: SolusVM - clientarea look & feel updated. http://hostbillapp.com/features/apps/solusvm.html
Updated: Module: SolusVM - added cloud hosting option, sell your resources and let your clients create their own vps.
Updated: Module: SolusVM - added reseller option.
Updated: Module: SolusVM - better package setup in adminarea.
Added: New clientarea theme: Nextgen Clean - popular nextgen theme variation - now even nicer! http://blog.hostbillapp.com/?p=587
Added: New orderpage - Four comparison boxes http://hostbillapp.com/features/order-pages.php
Added: Module: Auto-Upgrade - HostBill now can automatically check for upgrade, download & safe apply it, along with patches introduced after release http://blog.hostbillapp.com/?p=576
Added: Module: Style Switcher - edit your nextgen theme directly from adminarea, without file edits
Added: Module: InternetSecure CIMB (Token) merchant gateway http://hostbillapp.com/features/apps/internetsecure_cimb.html
Added: Module: eSELECTplus Direct merchant gateway http://hostbillapp.com/features/apps/eselect_plus.html
Added: Clientarea: Its now possible to search for tickets from clietnarea (nextgen* themes)
Added: Clientarea: Upgrading to higher package with sliders applied now also updates sliders to default values of higher package
Added: Settings: Configuration option to block ability to remove credit card by client
Added: Client & admin operations on credit card add/update/delete are now logged
Added: Each ticket department can now have different notification email for new tickets.
Added: Mass tickets creation, you can create tickets for selected users.
Added: Module vmWare 4: Test connection functionality
Added: Automation: Staff members now receive info about failed cron tasks with daily cron run email
Changed: KB articles can now be defined for each installed language
Changed: Fixed polish translation available to download at http://cdn.hostbillapp.com/languages/
Updated: Installation suite - chmods & renames are now performed by install automatically
Updated: API: addOrder can now take additional parameter 'coupon' with discount codes
Developers: Documentation for creating custom orderpage templates http://dev.hostbillapp.com/orderpages/
Developers: Added internal credit card tokenization support - remove full CC number, keep token - simplify PCI DSS Compliance http://dev.hostbillapp.com/procedural-dev-kit/payment-gateway-modules/

Bugs Fixed

0000267: [security] Security: Potential XSS vulnerability in clientarea
0000270: [security] Security: Potential LFD vulnerability in clientarea trough YML library
0000271: [security] Tickets: Minor security threat in ticketing system browsed from clientarea
0000151: [adminarea] Mass email is sent to all clients,even to those whose account is marked as closed.
0000175: [adminarea] Emails with syntax errors can't be sent, but can be saved
0000185: [adminarea] Domain Status issue error - domain status can't be changed.
0000215: [adminarea] Orders: Creating order with product using one-time cycle changes it to Free in ordered account
0000216: [adminarea] Orders: Its not possible to create order/draft as admin with same product twice
0000217: [adminarea] Orders: Invoice generated from order placed by administrator does not contain category name
0000235: [adminarea] Unable to load payment gateway durring authorzation/capture step
0000236: [adminarea] Tickets: Fatal error: Exception thrown without a stack frame during ticket import
0000242: [adminarea] Tickets: Unescaped ticket subject in ticket edition form
0000243: [adminarea] Mark an EU Invoice as "Refunded" cause Invoice Number rollback to pro-forma invoice
0000248: [adminarea] Server Monitor is not working in Admin Panel.
0000252: [adminarea] Domains: Critical error when browsing domain without module attached
0000260: [adminarea] Module management: Links in modules search results leads to empty pages
0000261: [adminarea] Module management: Modules with observer interface do not load their lang locales
0000263: [adminarea] English language: Fixed over 130 spelling & typos errors
0000282: [adminarea] Email signature appears in support tickets at random. (Forum)
0000294: [adminarea] TicketSharing: Ticket statuses are not synced after reply from shared dept
0000304: [adminarea] Notification about recent cron task failures are no longer displayed on admin home screen
0000308: [adminarea] No final invoice number after payment for invoice that groups other invoices
0000198: [cart] Onestep Gauge orderpage breaks when trying to login from it, when mod_rewrite is on.
0000218: [cart] Orderpage: Simple Full-Page Checkout, One-step - multiple display issues
0000219: [cart] DomainChecker: Since upgrade to 3.8 .es domain check do not work
0000222: [cart] HB invoice item detail having qty>1 incorrectly displayed in recurring invoices [3.8]
0000237: [cart] Product Upgrade discount codes not working [3.8] Forum
0000285: [cart] Invoices: Ordering item with form & default value applied to it leaves "x N" on invoice line
0000186: [clientarea] [Clientarea] Manage Domain Name Servers Not Working
0000196: [clientarea] Order Details not readable
0000200: [clientarea] Client log/history - shows app name used
0000214: [clientarea] Onestep_bootstrap order page: no place to input domain parameters
0000246: [clientarea] Gauge Sliders order page breaks after trying to log in from it - closed.
0000262: [clientarea] English language: Fixed over 80 spelling & typos errors
0000290: [clientarea] Single slider upgrade (ie. in OnApp) from default value is incorectly calculated
0000295: [clientarea] Credit card-related errors are not translated, displays keys instead like invalid_ccnum
0000300: [clientarea] Credit Card processing: broken image url to CVV code explanation in nextgen theme
0000121: [general] Daily Cron sent out without any notification items after upgrade to 3.7.0
0000182: [general] .PRO domains do not include necessary fields to register a .PRO domain. (LgicBoxes)
0000189: [general] Staff signature does not accept html tags, Mail html wrapper does not have effect (after 3.8 upgrade)
0000193: [general] Dedicated server product doesn't show user and password field.(Forum)
0000201: [general] Automation: Tasks involving mailout trough smtp may fail when called by cron
0000203: [general] SQL error even though VPS is created without an issue.
0000207: [general] When renewing AU domains there shouldn't be some options required.
0000224: [general] Simple Devkit: account.create method is not called from procedural module on account creation
0000225: [general] Simple Devkit: Merchant gateway modules without payment.drawform throws exception
0000226: [general] Simple Devkit: Merchant gateway get wrong input dataset on payment.capture call
0000227: [general] Simple Devkit: Param creditcard.type is missing in payment.capture handler arguments
0000301: [general] Simple Devkit: call of hbm_add_client_function can be used once per module
0000240: [general] Product translation is displayed in the Order page but e-mail is sent with translation code e.g {$lang.customline002
0000251: [general] Old items in Cron result aren't removed [after the blank daily cron fix]
0000253: [general] Upgrade: HostBill upgrade checks chmod of moved templates_c folder, blocking upgrade
0000256: [general] PHP Error - Cannot redeclare class _pdo while using the whmcs import script [Forum}
0000302: [general] Tickets replay problem: Client possessing 3 email addresses - different replay directions depend on email used.
0000100: [module] Cloud panels - login to CP client function not working on nextgen theme
0000181: [module] Onestep gauge orderpage is missing hostname field for dedicated servers
0000183: [module] Onapp - paid templates don't work in Cloud Hosting type of product (Forum)
0000197: [module] ResellerClub error while IDN registration.
0000202: [module] ProxMox Error: Unable to log in with credentials provided, Array
0000206: [module] Quickpay callback doesn't work even though the capture is correct.
0000210: [module] NextGen - Domain Name is only sorted by expiry date, no alphabetizing available.
0000230: [module] The Usage reports never loads in the CloudVM in client area.
0000239: [module] Function is not supported by this module - Virtualmin error. .
0000255: [module] ResellerClub: Contacts information entered during order aren't used in registration - closed.
0000257: [module] Onapp server tags - cannot be removed.
0000258: [module] Bean stream isn't shown on payment page but is shown as enabled on the backend
0000264: [module] CPanel config issue; package values can't be fetch, accounts can't be imported even though the config looks ok.
0000268: [module] Simple Devkit: hbm_add_app_config used in Hosting module adds empty option (type=input)
0000269: [module] Simple Devkit: hbm_set_account_config throws exception
0000272: [module] OVH: Missing authinfo for *** error when attempting to transfer domain
0000273: [module] cPanel: Unable to get package details error in product configuration
0000276: [module] Simple Hosting management in clientarea - a list of bugs
0000280: [module] PayZa connection problem. The module correctly configured acts like it hasn't been activated.
0000293: [module] OnApp Cloud Order Page error: Locale is invalid
0000306: [module] RRPproxy: Password fileld is displayed as regular input in settings->apps

3.8.0 Date: 08-10-2012


Added: Module: Observium - billing for bandwidth & overages for dedicated servers/colocation, graphs & more http://hostbillapp.com/features/apps/observium.html
Added: Module: vmWare vCloud Director module - automatically create Organizations/vDCs from HostBill - http://hostbillapp.com/features/apps/vcloud.html
Added: OVH Domain Registration module http://hostbillapp.com/features/apps/ovh.html
Added: Notification Module: Boxis.net sms notification plugin
Added: New Orderpage: Dedicated Servers Full Screen - Ideal for colocation/dedicated servers http://hostbillapp.com/features/order-pages.php
Added: New Orderpage: Gauge Sliders - Great, innovative order page, best use with cloud hosting http://hostbillapp.com/features/order-pages.php
Added: Domains: Its now possible to specify domain contacts (Registrant, Admin, Tech, Billing) during signup - ideal for reselling
Added: CloudStack: Metered billing, bill precisely for Running/Alocated Vm, used IPs, traffic, data/template/snapshot storage
Added: OnApp CDN: Pre-Paid Metered billing - client can now add credit to his account that will be automatically decreased based on usage
Added: OnApp CDN: Its now possible to set different traffic metered pricing per edge zone
Added: OnApp CDN: Clients are now presented with price per 1GB traffic in each edge zone while adding new resource
Added: OnApp: Pre-Paid Metered billing - client can now add credit to his account that will be automatically decreased based on usage
Added: CloudStack: Destroying VM with advanced network now also automatically remove this network
Added: CloudStack: Clients now can convert their backups to re-usable templates
Added: API: new methods for requesting Account upgrades - orderUpgrade & orderConfigUpgrade
Added: Developers: New, Easy devkit - no OOP skills required to create module http://dev.hostbillapp.com/procedural-dev-kit/

Bugs Fixed

0000161: [module] OnApp Module: while adding a tag to a machine inside a "cloud" or "pool" it add's the tag to ALL machine.
0000180: [module] Cacti: Billing confusing for total transfer method doubled in traffic cost
0000179: [clientarea] Solus HVM guest show ssh console in clientarea for windows os
0000178: [cart] Bootstrap orderpage breaks its sliders under default template
0000163: [cart] Nextgen template within simplehosting spacing problem.
0000162: [module] Stripe.com gateway error: "Received unknown parameter: amount"
0000173: [adminarea] Problem with log maintenance.
0000174: [general] Automation: Placing order with free account do not fire automation right after order
0000145: [module] Onapp DNS module is giving error while adding domain name
0000156: [clientarea] Disabled "New Request" confirmation emails as a workaround as a result of mail loop in the Support Dep.
0000150: [module] Enable HostBill SEO plug-in, Main Page, Knowledgebase classification and the article. (Forum)
0000167: [clientarea] Add funds invoices that add credit can be paid using credit
0000172: [module] Cloudstack: Snapshot (backup) taken always appear as Pending in HostBill
0000171: [module] Cloudstack: Deploying new VM lefts unwanted disk & service offerings.
0000149: [general] Whois for .pro, .gg, .je, .ki, .my, .im, .pe, .qa TLDs unavailable
0000127: [module] Problems with module sslstore
0000129: [clientarea] Bank account option doesn't appear in the Client area even though the option is activated.
0000166: [adminarea] Orders that include domains only are left pending even after payment
0000158: [module] Cacti: Total transfer is not correctly calculated for more than 1 device/port assigned
0000132: [general] SQL errors while trying to make an order for test.
0000154: [module] Cloudstack: VMs with Advanced networking list private instead of assigned Public IP
0000148: [module] OnApp: Pending accounts with Metered billing shows billing cycle as Monthly
0000135: [adminarea] 3 nameservers, but only 2 are sent in the hosting account customer email (check template / code)
0000133: [adminarea] Problems when the invoice is generated via API
0000142: [adminarea] No tickets are shown in client support tab on servers withoud PDO support
0000121: [general] Daily Cron sent out without any notification items after upgrade to 3.7.0
0000044: [clientarea] Currency convertion for Products Addons not working
0000103: [module] Mobile notifications for Twilio may fail when message body exceeds the 160 character limit
0000141: [module] OnApp: Metered billing update results in sql error
0000139: [module] OnApp CDN meterred billing timeout
0000138: [module] OnApp modules: Email already taken error while using multiple onapp products
0000117: [cart] Some custom form fields do not show when prduct has one time payment
0000126: [adminarea] SMTP email test function was forcing authentication even when no password provided
0000110: [clientarea] Ussing affiliate voucher without referral cookie will not add commision to related affiliate
0000113: [adminarea] Notes for withdrawal logs are not saved
0000111: [adminarea] Can't remove withdrawal log entry from affiliate
0000108: [adminarea] Filtering transaction does not work properly
0000107: [module] InternetBS password is shown as plain text
0000106: [module] Possible redirection loop in clientarea for promox vps
0000102: [general] Sender name from imported tickets is wraped in quotes
0000098: [module] Can't add Internationalized Domain Names to PowerDNS
0000115: [module] Support Fields: Exception after module activation on latest version
0000114: [cart] SQL Error when attempting to place new order with previously, not fully cleared database
0000112: [general] Automation: Free accounts with provisioning set to "After payment received, process by cron" are not created
0000096: [adminarea] Clicking on knowledgebase links in ticket view redirects users to empty kb page
0000094: [clientarea] Accessing hostbill from multi url may prevent user actions
0000093: [cart] Some order pages show wrong price for additional currency
0000105: [adminarea] Selecting 'More products' when adding new order leads to blank page
0000085: [module] Internet BS can't register .eu domain
0000083: [adminarea] Account details shows wrong currency sign
0000082: [adminarea] Income forecast section is not calculated based on multiple currencies
0000099: [general] Admin ticket notifications are doubled
0000101: [module] Vies VAT Verification: Greece vat cannot be correctly verified against VIES service
0000058: [cart] Bulk domains register order page issues under nextgen template
0000056: [cart] Client specific promotional code strange behaviour
0000057: [cart] Can't selct domains for register/transfer from wizard order page type
0000092: [module] Cloudstack: Resource limits are not displayed properly during vm creation with sliders applied
0000069: [general] Ticket auto-close cron task fails with enabled ticket sharing
0000091: [adminarea] New orders from adminarea are allways in default currency
0000090: [clientarea] Accounts upgrades that use additional currency have wrong values
0000089: [module] SolusVM will only pull openvz templates when creating clientarea form
0000087: [adminarea] Saving ticket details does not work

3.7.0 Date: 07-13-2012


Added: Ticket Macros: You can perform multiple ticket actions at once - add reply, change status, assign tag & more - with one click.
Added: Ticket Bulk Actions: Select multiple tickets and update them at once - apply macro, change ticket details, apply tags, assign staff member.
Added: Ticket Assign: Staff member can now be assigned to ticket & be directly responsible for it.
Added: Ticket SLA/Escalations: Ticket department now can offer automated SLA/Escalations & Ticket overdues.
Added: Ticket Filters: Advanced ticket filtering & automation capabilities - you can define pre and post-import filters & choose how HostBill should react on them.
Added: Ticket Priority Select in clientarea: If enabled in department settings, client can now define ticket priority during its submission.
Added: Email Templates: Staff members can now define multi-lingual email templates without using transation tags (1 template=1 language)
Added: New Order Page: 3 Steps Slider: http://hostbillapp.com/features/order-pages.php
Added: Built-in mobile notifications: Your clients and staff members can receive customizable notifications from your HostBill on mobile device
Added: Notification Module: Twilio SMS notification module
Added: Notification Module: Clickatell SMS notification module
Added: Notification Module: iPhone Prowl push notifications module
Added: Notification Module: Notify My Android push notifications module
Added: Clientarea: Clients can now search their domains in client interface ("nextgen" theme)
Added: Module: WorldPay FuturePay - new payment gateway with automated recurring billing
Added: Plugin: One Time Passwords - Two-factor authentication in your adminarea using Time-Based One Time Passwords generated by your mobile device.
Added: Module: OnApp: New client function - Reverse DNS - clients can now manage their rDNS records (requires IPAM plugin) Preview
Added: Module: OnApp: Its now possible to set monthly data transfer limit
Added: Module: OnApp: Clients now have ability to define tags for each virtual machine Preview
Added: Module: Cloudstack: Selection of networking type (Basic/Advanced) during package configuration
Added: Module: Cloudstack: Support for advanced network configuration.
Added: Module: Cloudstack: Multiple provisioning options for advanced networking (assigning current networks for each client VM available).
Added: Module: Cloudstack: Console is now available in clientarea
Added: Module: Cloudstack: New client function - Reverse DNS - clients can now manage their rDNS records (requires IPAM plugin)
Added: Module: Citrix Xenserver : New product configuration - ability to use resource sliders for memory/ disk/ cpu, configure template prices.
Added: Module: Citrix Xenserver : Clients now have ability to automatically upgrade to higher packages / change single resources using sliders
Added: Module: Switch SNMP: Support for Cisco Catalyst 2950 series
Added: Bandwidth Billing: Ability to bill quarterly
Added: DevKit: New hooks: before_domaintransfer, before_domainrenew, before_accountsuspend, before_accountcreate, before_accountterminate, before_accountunsuspend, after_ticketescalate, after_ticketoverdue

Bugs Fixed

0000080: [module] OnApp: Unable to add new network from client interface due to "Network Join ID" error
0000066: [adminarea] Task List: Auto provision paid accounts task is not enabled by default
0000079: [general] Invoices: Adding transaction to invoice with Decimal places set to 0 fails to mark invoice as paid
0000078: [module] OnApp: Usage graphs show incorrect data for onapp 2.3.2
0000077: [module] OnApp CDN: Metered usage is incorrectly calculated
0000076: [module] OnApp CDN: Clientarea shows available rather than assigned locations to Edge Group
0000075: [adminarea] Tickets: Automated draft save updates draft with wrong id, overwriting previous replies
0000074: [cart] Forms & Subproducts: Free subproduct have applied forms configuration from main package on invoice
0000073: [general] Install: Installation requires chmod 640 for config.php, which will fail on non-su_php php
0000055: [module] ResellerClub shows wrong user & password
0000072: [security] Potential XSS security threat during new order placed trough clientarea on various orderpages
0000050: [module] TheSSL store error when creating order page
0000054: [cart] Onestep checkout slider orderpage duplicating custom form components
0000053: [clientarea] Simple hosting template for nextgen
0000048: [module] OpenSRS integration - module no longer shows login credentials in recent versions
0000052: [cart] Changing packages from the same order page removes selected domain config
0000051: [module] OnApp DNS sets wrong customer email in default SOA record
0000071: [clientarea] DNS Management for domains with registered external DNS management does not link to fully-featured manager
0000070: [clientarea] DNS Management: Potential security issue in client management panel for dns actions
0000068: [clientarea] Cloud control panels: pricing options dissapear when trying to upgrade (javascript error)
0000067: [adminarea] Forms: Its not possible to set pricing for Form items if product is using Bandwidth billing
0000008: [clientarea] SSL order page not displaying subproduct
0000049: [adminarea] Check domain for tld .lv dont work
0000006: [module] Unable to unsuspend an account in Cpanel
0000065: [clientarea] Upgrades: Products with sliders & default values are upgraded with wrong charge/recurring price
0000046: [clientarea] Product Download Access
0000064: [module] OnApp: Paid OS templates (windows) can be used without paid invoice
0000063: [module] OnApp: Email already exists error when attempting to create new vms without modified prefix
0000041: [cart] Bootstrap Sliders order page does not work with old Default template
0000038: [module] Created admins can't view assigned tickets from External ticket
0000039: [module] No information about pre requirements for reinstalling OS on VPS.net accounts
0000037: [clientarea] Upgrading SolusVM accounts does not work , also language translation displays incorrect.
0000022: [general] Changes in before due date invoice generation interval take effect only after new invoice is generated
0000020: [general] HostBill should not auth against the SMTP server when the credentials are left blank.
0000017: [adminarea] Cancellation request link in adminarea home leads to accounts list
0000011: [clientarea] Twitter plugin not working for unbranded license users
0000009: [clientarea] Knowledgebase's URL rewriting fails for non ascii characters
0000010: [module] Renewing domain faild but expiry date was extended ( Enom )
0000005: [module] Nominet domain registrar error for .co.uk domains
0000004: [general] Automatically Cancelling pending orders
0000062: [module] PayPal: In case of doubled callback from PPal, HostBill doubled transaction
0000061: [module] cPanel HostBill update tool - unable to detect version error
0000059: [clientarea] Client is able to generate bulk invoice out of invoices not enabled to him yet
0000034: [module] OnApp CDN: Test connection issue on OnApp with no HV
0000047: [module] Xenserver: Form elements (sliders) & os tpl are not applied to final VM configuration
0000033: [module] Cloudstack: Usage tab in clientarea not working properly
0000032: [api] getAccountDetails API call not working
0000031: [module] Cloudstack: VM Actions show unavailable sections (like console)
0000030: [module] Cloudstack: Exception when visiting edit VM screen
0000029: [module] Cloudstack: GUI issue on nextgen theme in firewall configuration screen
0000028: [module] Cloudstack: Can't specify network Ids in Basic zone error while creating VM
0000026: [clientarea] DNS Management doesnt work for domains not linked in external dns manager
0000025: [module] OnApp: Clients are able to view other customers custom OS templates (not able to use though)
0000024: [module] DNS Management client function does not show in adminarea
0000018: [adminarea] Accepting cancellation from cancelation list not working
0000023: [clientarea] Main product configuration fields are applied to sub products as well
0000016: [adminarea] Placing new order for one-time billed product result in setting free/no billing cycle
0000019: [module] Inaccurate description for transactions made trough Google Checkout may lead to account suspension
0000015: [module] OnApp CDN: Module do not provide ability to create username prefix
0000014: [module] OnApp: Client can provide non-permitted chars into hostname field
0000007: [module] OnApp: Using username prefix cause email issue when generating additional accounts
0000013: [adminarea] Creating new order from client details tab do not assign client
0000012: [adminarea] Exception when converting order draft to order with free item

3.6.0 Date: 06-21-2012


Added: Module: Cacti - billing for bandwidth & overages for dedicated servers/colocation, graphs & more http://hostbillapp.com/features/apps/cacti.html [06-12-2012]
Added: Dedicated Servers/Colocation: Integrated IPAM, Remote Reboots, Cacti graphs, bandwidth billing, rDNS: http://hostbillapp.com/features/colocation.php [06-12-2012]
Added: New orderpage: 3Plans comparison table http://cdn.hostbillapp.com/features/orderpages/img/comparetable1.png [06-19-2012]
Added: Adminarea: Admin can now place order with multiple products, product configurations & save order drafts for later re-use [06-19-2012]
Added: Module: IPAM: Its now possible to assign IP to a client from IP list [06-12-2012]
Added: Module: IPAM: Its now possible to fill entire list with subnet IPs automatically during creation [06-12-2012]
Added: Module: IPAM is now integrated with dedicated servers/colocation products, allowing for easy IP management [06-12-2012]
Added: Module: IPAM: Reverse DNS - clients can now manage their rDNS records in PowerDNS directly from Client Area [06-12-2012]
Added: Module: Dedicated Servers Manager v3 - significant improvements from previous Dedicated Servers Manager module[06-12-2012]
Added: Module: Dedicated Servers Manager: Its now possible to connect App to item, including SNMP switches, pdus and Telnet switches [06-12-2012]
Added: Module: Dedicated Servers Manager: Client can now reboot his dedicated server trough PDU in clientarea [06-12-2012]
Added: Module: Dedicated Servers Manager: Item view now contains list of accounts assigned to it [06-12-2012]
Added: Module: Dedicated Servers Manager: Items in rack can now be moved around with drag & drop [06-12-2012]
Added: Module: Dedicated Servers Manager: Direct link to edit inventory item from single rack content [06-12-2012]
Added: Module: Dedicated Servers Manager: You can now choose graphical representation of inventory item in rack [06-12-2012]
Added: Adminarea: Option to create order drafts with multiple services & domains [06-19-2012]
Added: Adminarea: New option in products automation tab to auto create account with the use of cron tasks [06-06-2012]

Bugs Fixed

Fixed: Security: Possible xss vulnerability in clientarea security panel [06-12-2012]
Fixed: Cart: Sliders verification issues on onestep orderpages with no domains enabled [06-12-2012]
Fixed: Module: Number of Power DNS related errors [06-08-2012]
Fixed: Module: TheSSL Store not working on some servers [06-08-2012]
Fixed: Module: TheSSL Store CSR validation [06-10-2012]
Fixed: General: Some plugins stoped showing in Extras menu [06-11-2012]
Fixed: Module: cPanel addons generate a sql exception [06-11-2012]
Fixed: Module: SEO Module not displaying meta information in information pages [06-12-2012]
Fixed: Module: Power DNS adminarea not showing user domains [06-14-2012]
Fixed: Module: Power DNS editing priority in MX records does not work [06-14-2012]
Fixed: Ticket Import: Ticket having more than one reciver email addres or department addres in cc field are not imported [06-14-2012]
Fixed: Missing translations in new clientarea [06-08-2012]
Fixed: Module: Domain DNS plugin can fail when client already has selected package but terminated [06-12-2012]

3.5.0 Date: 06-07-2012


Added: Module: Proxmox VE provisioning module http://hostbillapp.com/features/apps/proxmox.html [05-28-2012]
Added: Module: The SSL Store provisioning module http://hostbillapp.com/features/apps/thesslstore.html [05-04-2012]
Added: Module: cPanel DNS management provisioning module http://hostbillapp.com/features/apps/cpaneldns.html [05-28-2012]
Added: Module: OnApp DNS management provisioning module http://hostbillapp.com/features/apps/onappdns.html [05-28-2012]
Added: New "Lightweight & Fast" order page template [05-30-2012]
Added: New "Fancy comparison, one-step " order page template - with colors customizable from admin panel! [05-30-2012]
Added: Module: Domain DNS plugin lets you automate managing dns zones by creating/removing them when necessary [05-28-2012]
Added: Module: PayZa: New payment gateway (rebranded AlertPay) [05-16-2012]
Added: Module: OnApp: Admin can now decide which functions client have access to http://bit.ly/KvnA1E [05-16-2012]
Added: Module: OnApp: Client can now turn access to certain options on/off for his contacts http://bit.ly/J1Cg4P [05-16-2012]
Added: Module: OnApp: Its now possible to define usernames prefix, allowing to use one OnApp server across multiple brands http://bit.ly/M7vACc [05-16-2012]
Added: Module: OnApp CDN: Admin can now set custom CDN hostname visible in clientarea in place of worldcdn.net http://bit.ly/Lxxc8T [05-16-2012]
Added: Module: Support Fields (Paid): Its now possible to create "Related service" dropdown field for tickets [05-16-2012]
Added: Module: 2checkout: Its now possible to enable 2co Single Page checkout in module configuration [05-16-2012]
Added: Developers: New Developers documentation covering ALL topics: http://dev.hostbillapp.com/ [05-16-2012]
Added: Developers: Cron can now be added to any module type [05-16-2012]
Added: Developers: HostBill API can now be extended with custom modules [05-16-2012]
Added: Developers: New Hooks/Events, allowing for procedural access [05-16-2012]
Added: Developers: Each module now can have admin/client interface [05-16-2012]
Added: Developers: New events: Display events - allowing you to inject your custom html/js code from any module/hook file [05-16-2012]
Added: Support for .HT tld in domain check [05-16-2012]
Changed: Task List: Its now not possible to edit task execution type other than when it should be executed [05-16-2012]

Bugs Fixed

Fixed: Module: Hostbill SEO stopped working for some pages [05-04-2012]
Fixed: Module: Polite greatings are not listed for shared tickets [05-04-2012]
Fixed: Ticket sharing: Deleting notes could block other endpoind from updating ticket [05-08-2012]
Fixed: Ticket: Client response via email to a closed ticket would be rejected eaven if department options allow reopening tickets [05-08-2012]
Fixed: Error while creating new orderpages on some installations [05-08-2012]
Fixed: Live Chat: If admin sets his status to 'away' clients trying to initiate chat could expirience errors [05-08-2012]
Fixed: DNS managent widget not working [05-09-2012]
Fixed: Onstep Simple orderpage not working when default template set to nextgen [05-09-2012]
Fixed: Simple hosting widgets breaking nextgen template [05-10-2012]
Fixed: Domain suggestions displays broken whois link [05-15-2012]
Fixed: Tickets created by contacts are not listed in client area [05-15-2012]
Fixed: Captcha verification does not work for unregistered users [05-15-2012]
Fixed: Leaving messages in livechat will fail for unregistered users when captcha verification is on [05-15-2012]
Fixed: Module: SolusVM clientarea does not allow upgrades [05-15-2012]
Fixed: Module: Twitter not working [05-15-2012]
Fixed: PowerDNS: There are no delete buttons on nextgen template [05-15-2012]
Fixed: Automatic invoice generation will break for empty recuring invoices [05-15-2012]
Fixed: NextGen theme: Chat status image breaks https [05-14-2012]
Fixed: NextGen theme: updated VPS products listing to match new theme [05-14-2012]
Fixed: Upgrades: Free options are not shown for upgrades [05-14-2012]
Fixed: Whois: Domain check for .es is not available [05-14-2012]
Fixed: Widgets: Cloudstack login widget listed in non-related packages [05-14-2012]
Fixed: Widgets: Widgets are now auto-applied by default on product module change [05-14-2012]
Fixed: Module: OnApp: Usage graphs are not displayed after update to OnApp 2.3.2 (new graphing solution) [05-14-2012]
Fixed: Module: OnApp: Firewall section display errors under nextgen theme [05-14-2012]
Fixed: Module: OnApp: Potential security problem with listing all vms from clientarea [05-14-2012]
Fixed: Module: OnApp: Unable to fetch OS templates list on various installations [05-14-2012]
Fixed: Module: OnApp CDN: Missing Origin name with OnApp 2.3.2 [05-14-2012]
Fixed: Module: OnApp CDN: Missing locations in clientarea & google maps with OnApp 2.3.2 [05-14-2012]
Fixed: Module: GoogleCheckout: Duplicated transactions on repeated callback [05-14-2012]
Fixed: Order Scenarios: Manual Invoice review is always skipped [05-14-2012]
Fixed: Security: Adminarea: Removed potential xss security risk from gateway log [05-14-2012]
Fixed: Security: Clientarea: Removed potential xss security risk from invoice details screen [05-14-2012]
Fixed: Cart: CVV validation issue on credited orders [05-14-2012]
Fixed: Paypal subscriptions can have first month total amount incorrectly lowered after upgrading [05-16-2012]
Fixed: Could not change billing cycle in Bootstrap sliders order page on IE [05-16-2012]
Fixed: OnApp clientarea has no links for addons purchase [05-16-2012]
Fixed: Shared tickets are missing attachments from first message [05-17-2012]
Fixed: Missing translations for password reset [05-17-2012]
Fixed: One step order pages do not show domains configuration fields [05-29-2012]
Fixed: Stripe payment gateway not working for clients with two and more digit ids [06-04-2012]
Fixed: Client contact can't access services eaven [06-05-2012]
Fixed: Error when trying to view order page as a client contact without permissions [06-05-2012]
Fixed: Error when trying to save orderpage without selecting cart template [06-05-2012]
Fixed: External tickets plugin blocking tickets tab in client profile view [06-06-2012]
Fixed: Editing client contacts in adminarea would silently fail on empty fields [06-06-2012]

3.4.1 Date: 05-03-2012


Added: Tickets Sharing: You can now connect multiple HostBill installations to work with other brands or branches in your company on support issues. Learn more [04-28-2012]
Added: Module: SolusVm: Option to load OS Templates to a custom dropdown field [04-28-2012]
Added: Webmoney payment gateway, contributed by HostBill user
Added: Module: CloudStack - its now possible to define port that CloudStack API works on (default 8080)
Added: Module: CloudStack - Advanced networks are now listed in product configuration for cloudstack 3.x
Added: Tickets: Its now possible to filter tickets in adminarea by unread status
Changed: Updated existing orderpages for better integration with new clientarea template
Changed: Adminarea: Server list in account details is now ordered alphabetically [04-25-2012]
Changed: Orders: It's now posible to change order status in order details [04-25-2012]
Changed: Tickets: Ticket refreshing is halted while any filter is active [04-28-2012]

Bugs Fixed

Fixed: Module: Rackspace Cloud - Its now possible to use UK cloud as well
Fixed: Module: Paid:SupportFields - Module not fully functional with new theme
Fixed: Module: Paid:End of Shift - Exceptions on new HostBill framework
Fixed: Module: NetEarthOne: GET/POST error when editing .ca product
Fixed: Module: Csv export - error while exporting domains infrmation
Fixed: Adminarea: Unable to edit total commissions field in Affiliate details
Fixed: Adminarea: Could not add new ip bans in Security settings, added missing translations
Fixed: Smartsearch: Searching tickets using multiple words results in error
Fixed: Orderpage: Bootstrap sliders will now always show sliders first, ignoring custom fields order
Fixed: Clientarea: Custom tags are not translated in product details
Fixed: Affiliates: SQL exception while logging in on some servers
Fixed: Checkdomain: Domain pricing do not load in products, if only orderpage with domain available use template product+domain
Fixed: Email templates: New templates are allways saved as html type [04-25-2012]
Fixed: Language manager: Exporting languages can result in an empty file [04-25-2012]
Fixed: Custom fields: Allow downgrade option does not work [04-25-2012]
Fixed: Custom fields: Price when upgrading from free config option is allways zero [04-25-2012]
Fixed: Tickets: Opening new ticket or adding a reply as a client contact shows client name instead of contact name [04-25-2012]
Fixed: Promotion codes: Selecting 'Anually' and highher aplicable cycles for a coupon, would make it aplicable for all cycles [04-28-2012]
Fixed: Add funds: Amount entered could be wronly interpreted when using a period as a decimal separator [04-28-2012]
Fixed: Templates: Variable $clientdata does not have custom registration fields [04-28-2012]
Fixed: Cart: Credit card input is shown even when total amount order is zero [04-30-2012]
Fixed: Module: External tickets not displaying any interface in ticket view [04-30-2012]
Fixed: Module: DNS management did not fit nicely into new template [04-30-2012]
Fixed: Module: VIES VAT number validation fails for some ES numbers [05-01-2012]
Fixed: Module: XenServer: Added more human readable errors for better troubleshooting [05-01-2012]
Fixed: Live Chat: Not loged visitors have problem with starting conversations [05-02-2012]

3.4.0 Date: 04-18-2012


Added: New clientarea theme - learn more at http://hostbillapp.com/features/apps/clientarea-tour.html
Added: Module: RRPProxy: It's now possible to invidualy change admin, tech and billing contacts
Added: Clientarea: Client can now log-in as created contact, to verify its privileges
Added: Adminarea: Statistics for support tickets under Extras->System statistics
Added: Module: ISP Manager - additional configuration options for hosting packages
Changed: Adminarea: Adding client contact by admin now only requires valid email address

Bugs Fixed

Fixed: 70+ errors, warnings, and sql exceptions reported in error log
Fixed: Adminarea: Could not delete items from orders and account listing
Fixed: Adminarea: Missing translations in security settings section
Fixed: Module: Authorize.Net CIM payment gateway setting wrong country in shipping info
Fixed: Module: Logicboxes reglock status after change always showing as turned off
Fixed: Gneral: Some emails notifications are not translated when sent to admins
Fixed: Module: DNS Manager (cPanel) - pagination issue, unable to change to last page
Fixed: Mail notifications: Language array is not loaded into email templates under $lang
Fixed: Module: Websitepanel - XML schema errors during account creation
Fixed: VAT VIES plugin: VAT Verification fails for certain membership states
Fixed: Invoices: Automation functions are not executed when invoice is paid manually trough client credit
Fixed: Automation: Automatic domain renewal do not mark Order:Provision step as completed
Fixed: Automation: Automatic credit card charge with cron fails
Fixed: Module: OnApp CDN - cron update process for metered values can hang
Fixed: Module: SolusVM sync - Executing task for solusVM synchronization fails with error
Fixed: Adminarea: Module activation redirect to wrong section

3.2.6 Date: 04-02-2012


Added: Module: Authorize.Net CIM payment gateway http://hostbillapp.com/features/apps/authorizenet.html [03-12-2011]
Added: New Order Page: Bootstrap - an one-step order page ideal for DIY packages with sliders (like DIY-Cloud) Learn more [03-12-2011]
Added: Affiliates: Commission plans customization, you can create different plans for your products http://hostbillapp.com/features/apps/affiliates.html [03-22-2011]
Added: Affiliate Vouchers, affiliates can create coupons that will apply to their commisions reducing total cost for their referrals Learn more [03-22-2011]
Added: Invoices: Its now possible to easily generate bulk PDF containing various invoices directly from invoice listing [03-21-2011]
Added: Invoices: HostBill can now send copies of all invoices to email specified in configuration [03-29-2011]
Added: Domain Check: Its now possible to edit whois servers for domain lookups, by editing /includes/extend/whois/whois.php file [03-28-2011]
Added: Orders: Added order log to track each event related to certain order [03-28-2011]
Added: Orders: Optional "Final review step" for order scenarios - allowing admin to review order after provisioning [03-28-2011]
Added: Configuration: Administrator can now manage order scenarios - to define how order life cycle should look like [03-29-2011]
Added: Configuration: Its now possible to define supported credit card types in Settings->Billing->Credit Cards [03-29-2011]
Added: ErrorLog: Now errors do not result in blank page, all errors are logged in error log for easier issue tracking [03-28-2011]
Added: Transactions: Gateway log entries listing in transaction details screen for easier payment history tracking [03-21-2011]
Added: Transactions: Tabs with quick access to related client services/invoices in transaction details section [03-21-2011]
Added: Automation: Improved debugging for conversion rate updates [03-29-2011]
Added: Module: PayPal: PayPal email can be automatically verified against PayPal API [04-02-2011]
Added: Module: PayPal Website Payments Pro: Authorization is now separated from Capture method [04-01-2011]
Added: Module: BluePay: Authorization is now separated from Capture method [04-01-2011]
Changed: Default HostBill database engine is now InnoDB [03-22-2011]

Bugs Fixed

Fixed: Invoices: Automatic invoice notification email template dont contain invoice id [03-12-2011]
Fixed: Invoices: Adding payment to credited invoice not always mark it as Paid (php float precission bug) [03-21-2011]
Fixed: Estimates: Convert to invoice button dont work for single estimate conversion [03-29-2011]
Fixed: Orders: Prices per sliders are not recalculated to selected currency when using other than default [03-29-2011]
Fixed: Orders: Bulk actions in order section (like delete, set fraud) do not work for multiple selections [03-29-2011]
Fixed: LiveChat: Sidebar image may be rendered behind page background on certain layouts [03-12-2011]
Fixed: Domains: Automated domain notifications are not sent in some cases [03-12-2011]
Fixed: Module: OnApp: Added network join id check when adding new interface to VM [03-21-2011]
Fixed: Module: OnApp: Its not possible to provide empty firewall port when setting rules [03-21-2011]
Fixed: Module: OnApp: Editing usage pricing schemes in Product config always set scheme to Tiered [03-21-2011]
Fixed: Module: Singlehop: Added missing hostname, username and password fields [03-21-2011]
Fixed: Module: DirectCart links: Added missing screencast guide in module details [03-21-2011]
Fixed: Module: 2checkout: After succesful refund nothing is logged in gateway log [03-21-2011]
Fixed: Module: Virtuozzo: Increased timeout during vm creation [03-21-2011]
Fixed: Module: Cloudstack: Connection error when trying to use secure panel connection [03-21-2011]
Fixed: Module: 2checkout: Redirect to insecure url when using recurring payments [03-30-2011]
Fixed: Clietarea: Editing blocked lastname field changes last to first name [03-21-2011]
Fixed: Clietarea: Client dont have ability to remove credit card on fresh installations [03-21-2011]
Fixed: Modules: LogicBoxes-based registrars: ID Protection set returns "Method Not Allowed." error [03-21-2011]
Fixed: Cart: Its possible to order addon for suspended service [03-21-2011]
Fixed: Cart: Selected forms elements are unchecked during billing cycle change in step 3 [04-02-2011]
Fixed: Module: Wordpress: Creation of new wordpress instacne could fail when initiated outside of account view [03-19-2011]
Fixed: Module: Rackspace: Create would fail when using custom fields for OS template [03-26-2011]
Fixed: Module: XenServer: Create would fail when using custom fields for OS template [03-26-2011]
Fixed: Module: XenServer: Debug data visible in clientarea after upgrade [03-30-2011]
Fixed: Tickets notification emails have unnecessary escaped html entities [03-27-2011]
Fixed: Promotional codes not working for account configuraction upgrades [03-27-2011]

3.2.4 Date: 03-12-2012


Added: Module: CloudStack - fully automated cloud and single VPS provisioning http://hostbillapp.com/features/apps/cloudstack.html [03-05-2011]
Added: Module: Citrix XenServer provisioning http://hostbillapp.com/features/apps/xenserver.html [03-05-2011]
Added: Clientarea: Clients can now manage IPs/subnets allowed to log-in preview [03-12-2011]
Added: Adminarea: Staff members are now able to edit ticket content and replies [02-29-2011]
Added: Coupon Codes: Discount/promotion codes applicable to upgrades orders [03-06-2011]
Added: Coupon Codes: It's now posible to add notes for discount/promotion codes [03-06-2011]
Changed: Support: Tag icon is replaced by actual tags in the ticket listing linked to tag filter [03-02-2011]
Changed: Support: Changing ticket owner, department and other ticket details is now accessible by clicking 'Edit' button [03-01-2011]
Changed: Adminarea: Accepting / deleting cancellation request is now available directly from its listing [03-07-2011]
Added: Module: Websitepanel - created from DotNetPanel module with fixed connection problems [03-03-2011]
Added: Module: OnApp CDN - Metered billing capabilities - customer can be billed monthly for traffic used [03-05-2011]
Added: Module: OnApp - Client can now manage his OS templates created from backups directly from client interface [03-09-2011]
Added: Module: OnApp/OnApp CDN - Invoices can now be generated each week for metered usage [03-09-2011]
Added: Module: Hexonet - Official module development support from Hexonet team, added extended info for all supported tlds [03-03-2011]
Added: Module: PayPal Website Payments Pro - added refunds support [02-20-2011]
Changed: Metered Billing - Increased measurement precision for bandwidth usage [03-05-2011]

Bugs Fixed

Fixed: Module: OnApp - if more than one hypervisor zone is available for customer it may occur that wrong hypervisor will be picked during VM creation [02-29-2011]
Fixed: Module: OnApp - upgrading free resources in metered plan fails [02-29-2011]
Fixed: Automation - subscription items cleanup is a blocking task [03-01-2011]
Fixed: Domains: Using renew in adminarea does not work for order type: Register [03-10-2011]
Fixed: Adminarea: Blocked automation task notification for tasks that are disabled in task list [03-02-2011]
Fixed: Adminarea: Ticket log entries are not in order [03-02-2011]
Fixed: Domains - paid domain elements are not being added to end invoice on purchase [03-01-2011]
Fixed: Forms: Form name is not translated with custom tag on upgrade screen [03-02-2011]
Fixed: API:addOrder: setting notify params to 0 do not work as expected [03-07-2011]
Fixed: Clientarea: submiting upgrade form from clientarea not always work [03-12-2011]
Fixed: Invoices: Invoice.id variable in invoice template is not formatted with numeration format [03-12-2011]
Fixed: Module: OnApp CDN: Failure on Edge Resource creation do not report any error to interface [03-12-2011]
Fixed: Module: OpenSRS SSL in some cases contact informations were not sent in the request [02-27-2011]
Fixed: Module: 2checkout - duplicated notifications about payments from 2co result in multiple transactions [02-27-2011]
Fixed: Module: HeartInternet Domain rewritten to use new api [02-27-2011]
Fixed: Module: Polite greatings displaying 'undefined' or empty values [03-01-2011]
Fixed: Widget: Register nameservers wasn't working in clientaera [03-02-2011]
Fixed: Adminarea: Accepting cancellation request dont result in canceled pending invoices for service [03-06-2011]
Fixed: Adminarea: Security Banned IPs tab doesn't refreash to its content [03-06-2011]
Fixed: Adminarea: Refunded invoices are not accounted into income summary [03-06-2011]
Fixed: Adminarea: Its not possible to issue refund for manually added transaction [03-06-2011]
Fixed: Adminarea: Stats included items with date newer than current date [03-06-2011]
Fixed: Adminarea: Question mark icon with help do not appear under IE7 browsers [03-06-2011]

3.2.2 Date: 02-24-2012


Added: Module: GlobalSign SSL Voucher http://hostbillapp.com/features/apps/globalsignvoucher.html [02-13-2011]
Added: Module: RackSpace Cloud Servers http://hostbillapp.com/features/apps/rackspacecloud.html [02-13-2011]
Changed: Module: OnApp - Its now possible to set resource pricing for virtual machine powered off with metered billing preview [02-13-2011]
Added: Invoices: Its now possible to issue full/partial refund from invoice details section with automated gateway refund where applicable [02-14-2011]
Changed: Module: OnApp Reseller - its now possible to use zone names instead of ids to limit reseller access [02-13-2011]
Added: Module: PayPal - added automated refunds support [02-20-2011]
Added: Module: AuthorizeNet - added automated refunds support [02-20-2011]
Added: Module: 2Checkout - added automated refunds support [02-20-2011]
Added: Module: GoogleCheckout - added automated refunds support [02-20-2011]
Added: Module: OnApp: Resource pricing in OnApp billing plan is now set to corresponding values in HostBill metered table [02-14-2011]
Changed: Adminarea: Security rues: check 'Deny' rules first, 'Allow' rules last [02-14-2011]
Changed: Module: ResellerClub, ResellerID, NetearthOne, ResellerBiz modules rewritten for HTTP Api [02-17-2011]
Changed: Module: State / Province Select - moved country/regions data from module to separate files, allowing customization [02-14-2011]
Changed: Module: Namecheap - test connection function for connection troubleshooting [02-13-2011]
Changed: Clicking on tags in ticket will open new tab/widow with tickets with that tag [02-20-2011]
Changed: Api: addClient command can use additional 'language' option [02-23-2011]

Bugs Fixed

Fixed: Cart: Disabling domains option for a product with own domain option still on, would cause redirection to first cart step [02-13-2011]
Fixed: Adminarea: Price is not shown in SSL product configuration [02-13-2011]
Fixed: Clientarea: free items are not shown when current item is free in Configuration upgrade screen [02-14-2011]
Fixed: Email re-sent from Email log have no formating [02-14-2011]
Fixed: Adminarea: No option to change admin status to inactive [02-14-2011]
Fixed: Adminarea: Invoice section shows more pages than it realy has [02-14-2011]
Fixed: General: Ticket notifications are sent to admins with no privileges [02-14-2011]
Fixed: General: New Ticket notifications email does not use department email send method [02-19-2011]
Fixed: Tickets: Imported tickets comming from account additional contacts do not show that account information [02-22-2011]
Fixed: Module: Namesilo - updateing contact information works only for registrant [02-22-2011]
Fixed: Adminarea: Entering a single quote in product features configuration would breake its input field after save [02-22-2011]
Fixed: Module: Namecheap is using wrong contact informations for some tlds [02-23-2011]
Fixed: Module: Manual CreditCard processing does not display anything when ther's no transactions [02-23-2011]
Fixed: Adminarea: Disabling Domain options for a product does not remove its subdomain options [02-23-2011]
Fixed: Adminarea: Removing client does not remove its associated affiliate data [02-23-2011]
Fixed: Module: RRPProxy.net: Missing trustee option during domain registration [02-15-2011]
Fixed: Ticket Deparments: Client-only department import non-customer emails [02-15-2011]
Fixed: Invoices: When manually editing transactions in invoice details, fee is mixed with amount [02-14-2011]
Fixed: Checkdomain: .id domain lookups dont work [02-14-2011]
Fixed: Automation: POP import loop can timeout for large number of tickets [02-14-2011]
Fixed: Module: cPanel - unsuspending reseller account do not unsuspend his accounts [02-17-2011]
Fixed: Module: cPanel - terminating reseller accounts do not remove his child accounts [02-17-2011]
Fixed: Module: cPanel Usage Monitor - bandwidth usage is calculated wrong for reseller accounts [02-17-2011]
Fixed: Module: OnApp: Improved error reporting for json api calls returns [02-20-2011]
Fixed: Module: OnApp: Wrong monthly bandwidh usage shown in clientarea [02-23-2011]
Fixed: Module: Enom: Registration fails with "bad request" error for .uk domain with extended attrib [02-20-2011]
Fixed: Cart: Sub-product name is not translated [02-20-2011]

3.2.1 Date: 02-09-2012


Added: Module: OnApp - Additional option in storage tab to determine whether disk should be resized on package upgrade [01-31-2011]
Added: Module: OnApp Reseller - allow to resell your cloud easily with your custom-branded module - http://hostbillapp.com/features/apps/onappreseller.html [02-09-2011]
Added: Adminarea: phpinfo page accesed from main page [02-01-2011]
Added: Orders: New filter - Payment status [02-01-2011]
Added: Configuration: Added third option to force captcha validation for all user when creating tickets [02-07-2011]
Added: Tickets tags feature http://hostbillapp.com/features/apps/support-system.html [02-07-2011]
Added: Stripe.com payment gateway http://hostbillapp.com/features/apps/stripe.html [02-07-2011]
Changed: Configuration: Ticket autoclose option moved to departments settings [02-06-2011]

Bugs Fixed

Fixed: Adminarea: Generating invoice from adminarea using "generate now" shows wrong next due date [02-09-2011]
Fixed: Automation: Domain sync after renewal should not sync expiration date for all registrars [02-07-2011]
Fixed: Cart: Hostname field do not appear for free products [02-05-2011]
Fixed: Support - Knowledgebase categories are not translated in support section [02-08-2011]
Fixed: Module: PayPal - amount is not correctly formated error for currency format 1,234.567 [02-08-2011]
Fixed: Module: Cakemail - Incorect Client ID when trying to suspend account [02-07-2011]
Fixed: Module: ManualCC - payment failed error on non-pdo installs [02-03-2011]
Fixed: Adminarea: Login problems on some php configurations [01-31-2011]
Fixed: Module: RRProxy - missing .es extended registration attributes [02-02-2011]
Fixed: Module: PowerDNS - removing record do not update SOA Serial [02-02-2011]
Fixed: Module: OnApp - Memory usage value is wrong in client service listing [02-09-2011]
Fixed: Module: OnApp - Port speed slider maximum is set higher than resources available [01-31-2011]
Fixed: Module: OnApp - Recurring price for accounts with form elements resets to fixed fee [01-27-2011]
Fixed: Module: OnApp Addons - Unable to create addon resources with multiple network/hv/storage zones selected [01-30-2011]
Fixed: Module: Enom - enom module do not set required extended attributes for TLDs like .us [01-30-2011]
Fixed: Module: OpenSRS = registration problem with .it domains [02-01-2011]
Fixed: Adminarea: Forms - Editing form element with large number of items causes javascript timeouts errors [01-30-2011]
Fixed: Adminarea: Forms - Importing YML file with form element does not apply pricing to its items [01-31-2011]
Fixed: LiveChat - Invitation image breaks https in HostBill clientarea [01-27-2011]
Fixed: LiveChat - Client interface breaks with mod_rewrite SEO urls enabled [01-27-2011]
Fixed: LiveChat - Unable to delete trascription from Live Chat History [01-28-2011]
Fixed: LiveChat - Email verification do not accept short email addresses [02-06-2011]
Fixed: PDF Invoices - Invoice creator is not set as Business Name [01-28-2011]
Fixed: PDF Invoices - no top and bottom margin in very long invoices [02-1-2011]
Fixed: Adminarea: Send message functions add wrong email logs [01-31-2011]
Fixed: Emails: missing product name variable [01-31-2011]
Fixed: Orderpage: One-step simple - missing js file [01-31-2011]
Fixed: Tickets: Blocking rules not applied to ticket created from clientarea [02-01-2011]
Fixed: Tickets: Anyone can open new tickets in departments with 'registered only' option [02-01-2011]
Fixed: Adminarea: System Information shows wrong status of SPL extension [02-01-2011]
Fixed: Adminarea: Adding/Importing languages would fails on some browsers [02-07-2011]
Fixed: Adminarea: Unable to save 'Tax Add funds' option to on [02-07-2011]
Fixed: Cart: Dedicated Servers Pro-order custom fields [02-07-2011]

3.2.0 Date: 01-26-2012


Added: Live Chat: Brand new live chat system with real-time visitor monitoring, geolocation, invitations & more - http://hbchat.com/ [01-26-2012]
Added: Orderpage: One-step Simple Checkout http://hostbillapp.com/features/order-pages.php [01-23-2012]
Added: Module: OpenSRS Domain name suggestions http://hostbillapp.com/features/apps/opensrs_domainsuggest.html [01-24-2012]
Added: Module: eSELECT Plus payment gateway http://hostbillapp.com/features/apps/eselect_plus.html [01-18-2012]
Added: Security: Additional security checks during new ticket creation [01-14-2012]
Added: Module: MaxMind: New option - Don't verify returning customers [01-12-2012]
Added: Module: MaxMind: New option - Don't verify admin order [01-12-2012]
Added: Module: MaxMind: New option - Auto-block fraudulent IP [01-12-2012]
Added: Adminarea: Ability to add aditional contacts to client profile [01-12-2012]
Added: Adminarea: Ability to edit client contacts general privileges [01-12-2012]
Added: Adminarea: Tax Settings: Additional option to apply tax to "Add funds" invoices [01-17-2012]
Added: Adminarea: Ticket departments: Invidual setting for sending emails [01-18-2012]
Added: Orderpage: Dedicated Servers Pro customization [01-21-2012]
Added: Orderpage: Domain bulk register + domain suggestions [01-24-2012]
Changed: API: API:getNews will display only a portion of all entries, use 'page' parameter to get rest of the news [01-13-2012]
Changed: Adminarea: News page now implements sorting and pagination mechanism [01-13-2012]
Changed: Adminarea: Ticket departments: Assigning admins to departments is now done in department details [01-18-2012]
Changed: Adminarea: Ticket departments look & feel changed to resemble more of other configuration pages [01-18-2012]

Bugs Fixed

Fixed: Module: NetEarthOne - synchronize now also synchronizes registration date [01-21-2012]
Fixed: Module: Nominet - Required parameter missing, V074 Company Number required for UK Limited and Public Limited Companies [01-24-2012]
Fixed: Module: OnApp - Customer OS templates are not listed if Components:Forms:Os are used [01-24-2012]
Fixed: Module: OnApp Load Balancer - Account listing for OnApp load balancer products is empty [01-21-2012]
Fixed: Module: OnApp Load Balancer - Account termination issues with new OnApp version [01-12-2012]
Fixed: Module: OnApp CDN - Missing Google Maps client function in Product configuration[01-16-2012]
Fixed: Adminarea: Emails sent from accounts section using [Send] dont contain form elements [01-12-2012]
Fixed: Adminarea: Emails sent from accounts section using [Send] contain wrong password [01-12-2012]
Fixed: Plugin Clients Online Now: When logged in with https plugin breaks certificate with http image [01-12-2012]
Fixed: Module - Namesilo: Its not possible to update privacy settings with Namesilo module [01-16-2012]
Fixed: Module - Enom: Enabling ID Protection when its not initially purchased is not possible [01-16-2012]
Fixed: Checkdomain: Lookup of .af domains always return not-available [01-16-2012]
Fixed: Affiliates: Manually accepting referal from adminarea is not possible [01-16-2012]
Fixed: Cart: Free form elements are not listed for free packages [01-21-2012]
Fixed: General: Can not use languages with special characters in them [01-13-2012]
Fixed: General: Can't save values with single quotes in some input fields [01-13-2012]
Fixed: Adminarea: Order page url points to non existing page, 404 error. [01-13-2012]
Fixed: Clientarea: Simple hosting layout breaks under Firefox on Mac OS X. [01-13-2012]
Fixed: Adminarea: Adding items to recurring invoice with 'Next invoice' as current date generates two invoices [01-16-2012]
Fixed: Adminarea: Drafts are not listed in invoices [01-16-2012]
Fixed: Adminarea: Income status doesn't include subscriptions [01-24-2012]
Fixed: Adminarea: Required custom checkbox fields are not validated [01-24-2012]

3.1.7 Date: 01-12-2012


Added: Module - OpenSRS Trust: Resell SSL Services from OpenSRS using HostBill http://hostbillapp.com/features/apps/opensrstrust.html [01-10-2012]
Added: Module - PowerDNS: Ability to edit SOA record [01-10-2012]
Added: Module - PowerDNS: Admin can now configure SOA record defaults and minimal values [01-10-2012]
Added: Module - PowerDNS: Client can now change his SOA record email [01-10-2012]
Added: Module - OnlineNIC: Test Connection method to diagnose connection problems [01-10-2012]
Added: Module - OnApp: Client can now enable/disable autobackup during virtual machine creation [01-11-2012]
Added: Adminarea: Display warning on the main page if cron tasks are blocked [01-10-2012]

Bugs Fixed

Fixed: Clientarea: Domains order page - missing pricing list [01-04-2012]
Fixed: Module: VPS.net: cant't import vps.net accounts to hostbill [01-04-2012]
Fixed: Clientarea: Missing translations in domain widgets [01-05-2012]
Fixed: Widget: Wordpress: Error: 'Acces Denied' when using hash to authenticate cpanel connection [01-05-2012]
Fixed: Widget: Wordpress: Error: 'can't connect to host' while trying to install wordpress [01-05-2012]
Fixed: Adminarea: Stats do not display income data [01-06-2012]
Fixed: Widget: "Show Edge servers on Google Maps" appears in unsupported products [01-06-2012]
Fixed: Clientarea: Missing "ID Protection" function in clientarea [01-06-2012]
Fixed: PDF Invoice: When downloading PDF from adminarea currency sign is mixed [01-06-2012]
Fixed: Domains: Domain error log reads "Array" instead of error message [01-07-2012]
Fixed: Resell.Biz module: Wrong phone country code when trying to register domains [01-07-2012]
Fixed: Metered Billing: Unable to store fixed fees with amounts higher than 1000 [01-09-2012]
Fixed: Automation: Item category name on invoice is not translated from custom tag [01-10-2012]
Fixed: Automation: Addon name on invoice is not translated from custom tag [01-10-2012]
Fixed: Automation: Client country on automatically generated invoices is mixed [01-11-2012]
Fixed: API: API:getTickets and API:getClientTickets does not return anything [01-10-2012]
Fixed: Module - OnApp: Client is unable to remove backup from interface [01-11-2012]
Fixed: Module - Namesilo: Domain transfers are missing AUTH code in namesilo [01-11-2012]

3.1.6 Date: 01-04-2012


Added: OnApp CDN integration http://hostbillapp.com/features/apps/onappcdn.html [12-31-2011]
Added: Adminarea: Enhancement/Usability - show currency sign at account listing before First Payment Amount&Recurring Amount. [12-28-2011]
Added: Adminarea: Enhancement/Usability - Ability to change/edit order Date. [12-28-2011]
Added: Adminarea: Stats - sing-up statistics. [12-30-2011]
Added: Clientarea: Users can check their activity log on history page. [12-30-2011]
Added: Module - WebNIC: Test Connection function to check login credentials and connection problems [01-03-2011]
Added: Module - RRProxy.net: Test Connection function to check login credentials and connection problems [01-03-2011]
Added: API: addClientCredit: Increase client credit / add funds to client profile [01-03-2011]

Bugs Fixed

Changed: Adminarea: Module: Registration blacklist - changed look and feel to resemble more of that in security options [12-29-2011]
Fixed: Adminarea: Account status does not change to canceled while canceling order [12-28-2011]
Fixed: Clientarea: Add Funds - using a dot or comma in amount field would generate an error [12-28-2011]
Fixed: Adminarea: Services: Could not save product description for Fancy Slider [01-02-2012]
Fixed: Adminarea: Services: cant't change sample domain biling period [01-02-2012]
Fixed: Module: WordPress: Could not connect using secure connection. [01-03-2012]
Fixed: Module: WordPress: HostBill sets invalid config for wordpress database connection. [01-03-2012]
Fixed: Adminarea: Orders - Domain type product are no longer shown in dropdownlist while adding new orders. [01-03-2012]
Fixed: Clientarea: blank page while trying to reopen ticket without permissions [01-02-2012]
Fixed: General: missing email variable 'product name' in emails send after account create/terminate [01-04-2012]
Fixed: Clientarea: all .th domain search results in not available [12-31-2011]
Fixed: Module - OnApp: Form elements are missing from cart with metered billing enabled [01-02-2011]
Fixed: Module - Directadmin: Attempting to import accounts with reseller privileges fails [01-02-2011]
Fixed: API - listClients returns: Your current admin role does not allow you to see this content [01-02-2011]
Fixed: Adminarea: Test connection for POP method timeouts decreased to 20seconds [12-31-2011]
Fixed: Accounts Import: Package name tags are not translated [01-03-2011]
Fixed: Module - HTML Integration: Module has been updated to work with new domain categories [01-03-2011]

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