3.1.5 Date: 12-28-2011


Added: Module: OnApp - Customers now can fully manage their network interfaces from HostBill clientarea: learn more [12-27-2011]
Added: Module: OnApp - Customers can rebuild network directly from HostBill clientarea [12-27-2011]
Added: Module: OnApp - Client can now choose network interface when assigning IP address to VPS [12-28-2011]
Added: Module: OnApp - When adding IP to vps, customer can now select IP address from available addresses [12-28-2011]
Added: Module: PowerDNS - Data input verification for each RR type provided from clientarea [12-22-2011]
Added: Module: OnApp - "Set template pricing" option now filters templates fetched/updated from onapp based on selected template group [12-22-2011]
Added: Module: OnApp - Additional IP addon now can be configured to turn auto-network rebuild off/on after assigning IP to VM [12-22-2011]
Added: Module: OnApp - Users are now created in OnApp with time-zone related to their country in HostBill [12-23-2011]
Added: Module: OnApp - Network interface name on IP address listing [12-27-2011]
Added: Module: PayPal - Support for TRY currency [12-25-2011]
Added: Invoices - client.name variable, showing companyname if any, or firstname lastname if client has no company [12-28-2011]
Added: Module: Registration blacklist - blocking by ip address, ip address range, email domain [12-22-2011]
Added: Adminarea: Fancy Slider special cart template features setting in product configuration [12-27-2011]

Bugs Fixed

Fixed: Module: HeartInternet - test mode, connection test function [12-23-2011]
Fixed: Module: OnApp - disk_limit and bw_limit variables do not work in OnApp welcome email [12-22-2011]
Fixed: Module: OnApp - Missing translations in clientarea after fresh module install [12-26-2011]
Fixed: Module: LibertyReserve - Missing PayNow submit image [12-26-2011]
Fixed: Module: PowerDNS - Missing delete zone/record icon in clientarea [12-22-2011]
Fixed: Module: PowerDNS - Metered pricing tab is not showing in product config [12-23-2011]
Fixed: Invoices - Chinese font is not supported by new PDF lib [12-22-2011]
Fixed: Invoices - New lines in item descriptions are not split in invoice [12-28-2011]
Fixed: Plugin: cPanel CPU Overusage protect plugin - configuration guide is missing in plugin details [12-24-2011]
Fixed: Module: ResellerClub - registration would fail when selected country has phone code with additional area code [12-22-2011]
Fixed: Clientarea: Add Funds - using a dot or dash in amount field would generate an error [12-28-2011]

3.1.4 Date: 12-21-2011


Added: Module: OnApp - Security - Additional CSRF security prevention in clientarea [12-14-2011]
Added: Module: OnApp - Client now can convert backup into template to use with new Virtual Machines [12-19-2011]
Added: Module: OnApp - Client now can schedule his own automated backups (only if user role has schedules.*.own enabled) [12-19-2011]
Added: Clientarea: Client contact is now able to change his own password under "Manage account" section [12-19-2011]
Added: Module: Virtuozo-PVA - During creation container is now preconfigured with nameservers set in HostBill->Apps [12-20-2011]
Added: Invoices: Its now possible to attach PDF invoice to Invoice:Paid email using EU Billing model [12-20-2011]
Added: Security: Additional security measures on form submissions [12-21-2011]
Added: Security: Additional IP checks added to admin authorization [12-21-2011]
Added: Admin Area: Ticket Department: New Permission: Allow customer to reopen CLOSED TICKETS [12-16-2011]
Added: Admin Area: Ticket Department: New Permission: Do not allow customers to CLOSE TICKETS opened by Staff Members [12-16-2011]
Added: Admin Area: Ticket Department: New Permission: Allow Staff Members to reply to tickets from Email Client. [12-16-2011]
Added: Module: cPanel DNSManagement: added Test Connection button in plugin interface to diagnose connection issues [12-19-2011]

Bugs Fixed

Fixed: Automation: Domain renewal notices are not being sent for custom notification intervals [12-20-2011]
Fixed: Adminarea: Automation queue for domains do not mention upcoming domain expiration reminders [12-20-2011]
Fixed: Adminarea: Its not possible to change client currency with & without auto-recalculate [12-20-2011]
Fixed: Module: OnApp - Security - Its possible to preview other Virtual Machine's firewall rules [12-14-2011]
Fixed: Module: OnApp - Resource downgrade with slider allows to set resources below minimum configured in Forms [12-15-2011]
Fixed: Module: OnApp - When creating new account disk usage, ip address and memory usage is not displayed [12-15-2011]
Fixed: Module: OnApp - Its not possible to use all available CPU Priority during VPS edit [12-18-2011]
Fixed: Module: OnApp - Virtual Machine lists in adminarea shows all machines if account status changed from Pending->Active without using "Create" [12-19-2011]
Fixed: Module: MaxMind - Fraud score is not properly calculated if MaxMind account is old type (registered before 2007) [12-15-2011]
Fixed: Module: InternetBS - PHP Fatal error (blank screen) on failed module actions [12-16-2011]
Fixed: Module: DinaHosting Registrar - PHP Fatal error (blank screen) on failed module actions [12-16-2011]
Fixed: Module: Intaserve - Domain registration fails due to "Missing admin contact" error [12-19-2011]
Fixed: Clientarea: Disappearing domain checker link in clientarea front page after updating domain prices [12-17-2011]
Fixed: Clientarea: Orderpage/category name is not translated in client summary section [12-17-2011]
Fixed: Clientarea: When subscribing item with L2 compound tax, recurring price is incorrectly rounded [12-20-2011]
Fixed: Cart: With metered billing enabled with additional setup fee, dropdown boxes with billing cycle are blank [12-21-2011]
Fixed: Cart: Category description is not translated [12-21-2011]
Fixed: Module: HyperVM - test connection returning success even when it really fails [12-15-2011]
Fixed: Module: SolusVM - typo causing disappearing of root password [12-16-2011]
Fixed: Module cPanel DNSManagement: Unable to remove domain from HostBill that does not exists in cPanel [12-19-2011]
Fixed: Module cPanel DNSManagement: Creating domains with capital letters breaks synchornization [12-19-2011]
Fixed: Module: cPanel DNSManagement: could not connect using pasword with '@' symbol [12-19-2011]
Fixed: General: generated passwords ignore the rules that were saved in Security settings. [12-19-2011]

3.1.3 Date: 12-14-2011


Added: Adminarea: Invoice customization using WYSYWIG editor http://hostbillapp.com/features/invoice-templates.php [12-10-2011]
Added: Module Virtuozzo PVA: HostBill now stops container on suspend and disables "offline management" and "start on node boot" [12-06-2011]
Added: General: {php} tags are now disabled by default. To enable them edit $security_settings[PHP_TAGS] in smarty lib file [12-08-2011]
Added: Adminarea: Check for JSON support in PHP on home screen. JSON is now required extension [12-08-2011]
Added: Adminarea: Check for DOM support in PHP on home screen [12-07-2011]
Added: Adminarea: Check for mbstring support in PHP on home screen. MBstring is required by customizable PDF invoices [12-12-2011]
Added: Automation: POP ticket import now outputs detailed import log to console [12-14-2011]
Added: Adminarea: Quick search: find clients by company name, domain name does not have to be exact to match it [12-12-2011]
Added: Adminarea: Quick search: ability to search invoices using [prefix]invoicenumber [12-13-2011]
Added: Adminarea: Stats: Orders - number of Paid/Pending/Fraud/All orders displayed in graph tooltip, Transactions - Income/Outcome/Transaction number displayed in graph tooltip [12-07-2011]
Added: Adminarea: CVS Export: CSV export under invoices, the ability to also export transaction ID for each paid invoice. [12-08-2011]

Bugs Fixed

Fixed: Adminarea: Missing translation for product name in accounts list [12-08-2011]
Fixed: Adminarea: Its not possible to define separate app group for same module [12-13-2011]
Fixed: Adminarea: Client status other than Active/Closed doesnt work [12-13-2011]
Fixed: Cart: When changing billing cycle of package with slider configured using "dont charge for initial value", its being calculated to order total [12-12-2011]
Fixed: Cart: When ordering package with metered billing enabled, setup fee is not applied in cart [12-12-2011]
Fixed: General: Prompt about unsaved PDF in Adobe Reader when downloading invoice from HostBill [12-08-2011]
Fixed: Adminarea: Missing link to security settings under Tax configuration [12-07-2011]
Fixed: Adminarea: Metered pricing brackets do not save on hosts without PDO installed [12-13-2011]
Fixed: Automation: HostBill does not warn if its unable to connect with conversion rate service [12-06-2011]
Fixed: Automation: During package downgrade using sliders its possible to set account recurring total to value below 0 [12-12-2011]
Fixed: Automation: POP import fails if admin reply to ticket using email [12-14-2011]
Fixed: Automation: After service password reset client may receive email generated from wrong template [12-14-2011]
Fixed: Module Virtuozzo PVA: Initial disk and memory size are not stored [12-06-2011]
Fixed: Module Virtuozzo PVA: HostBill displays two passwords for container and wrong username [12-06-2011]
Fixed: Adminarea Settings->Other->.htaccess example shows wrong rewrite base if adminarea folder has been renamed [12-09-2011]
Fixed: Module OnApp: Autoscaling configuration is not applied in onapp once edited by customer in HostBill [12-09-2011]
Fixed: Module OnApp: Account creation on multiple clouds may fail for cloud packages due to Hypervisors:nil error [12-10-2011]
Fixed: Module OnApp: Auto-Upgrading single VPS to higher plan with more cores fails [12-10-2011]
Fixed: Module OnApp: Scale (Edit VM) screen do not allow CPU cores upgrade within limits given [12-10-2011]
Fixed: Module OnApp: Scaling VM dont work with CPU shares set to maximum [12-10-2011]
Fixed: Module OnApp: Its not possible to set resource limits to 0 during downgrade using forms [12-12-2011]
Fixed: Module OnApp: When VM is off metered billing values are still updated as used [12-12-2011]
Fixed: Module: Internetbs support for special case tlds (.ASIA, .FR, .IT, .US) [12-06-2011]
Fixed: Adminarea: Stats: Missing translation for date range picker [12-07-2011]
Fixed: Adminarea: Stats: Pie chart overflowing when to many data categories [12-07-2011]
Fixed: Adminarea: Stats: Pie chart disapearing on page resize [12-07-2011]
Fixed: Module: Adminarea: cPanel DNSManager not displaying logs [12-07-2011]
Fixed: Module: AlertPay: test mode setting is deprecated, test mode is now available after setting it in alterpay [12-08-2011]
Fixed: Api: Some methods that include sorter mechanism would fail [12-09-2011]
Fixed: Module: Enom SSL: CSR and Contact data was not saved when period was set above 3 years [12-12-2011]
Fixed: Module: Enom SSL: Emails in product configuration displaying as none [12-12-2011]
Fixed: Module: Support Fields: Client profile fields not showing [12-12-2011]
Fixed: Module: Nominet: Additional error catching to make troubleshooting easier [12-12-2011]
Fixed: Clientarea: Metered Orderpage: Hide empty description box, add mising background image, remove second jquery include [12-13-2011]
Fixed: Tickets: Block tickets containing highlighted text not working on non IE browsers [12-13-2011]
Fixed: Clientarea: Add funds issues invoices even when invalid amount is entered [12-14-2011]
Fixed: Module: Namesilo updating dns with the same host names changes only the first one, cant use custom nameservers on domain register [12-14-2011]

3.1.2 Date: 12-05-2011


Feature: Translation tags: learn more [12-04-2011]
Module: Virtuozzo PVA - get status button to fetch current container status in adminarea [12-03-2011]
Module: OnApp - Cloud selector for provider with more than one cloud learn more [12-01-2011]
Module: OnApp - Clientarea texts can now be easily translated in Adminarea->Settings->Language settings->[clientlang]->Section: onapp [12-05-2011]
Clientarea: Return to service details link in cancellation request section [12-05-2011]
Adminarea: Wysiwyg editor has been replaced with better solution across entire admin interface [12-05-2011]
Cart: Product setup info when there is no orderpages or products [12-02-2011]

Bugs Fixed

Module: OnApp - Automated disk resize when upgrading / downgrading single VPS package [12-05-2011]
Security: Potential security risk when using support tickets and Smarty library not in secure mode [12-05-2011]
General: Attachments and templates_c directory contents may be mixed if moved outside of docroot dir [12-05-2011]
Module: RegBlackList - module security has been improved, its not possible to bypass javascript validation now [12-04-2011]
Automation: Form elements are not fully passed to module during package upgrade/downgrade [12-03-2011]
Automation: PDF Invoices/estimates may not be attached to email if templates_c directory has been moved [12-05-2011]
Adminarea: Warning about missing SPL extension on some installations with SPL enabled [12-05-2011]
Adminarea: Custom automation tasks read Hours instead of Days [12-04-2011]
Adminarea: Unable to save Components:Forms items names [12-01-2011]
Adminarea: When importing Components:Forms elements from YAML, text input fields are not displayed in cart [12-02-2011]
Adminarea: Blank page may occur when adding product with sample config attached [12-02-2011]
Adminarea: Excessive new line chars are added to email log when sending html email [12-04-2011]
Modules: Domain: Nominet: Failed to register .co.uk TLD [12-01-2011]
General: Domain: Add extended forms option not displaying [12-01-2011]
Cart: "Wrong Parameter" error when trying to purchase free Sub-Product [12-02-2011]
Cart: Addons with hourly billing are not properly displayed in cart [12-04-2011]
Clientarea: Upgrade charge for one-time billed packages is calculated wrong [12-03-2011]
Clientarea: Domain Availability Checker link displaying even when Domain services are disabled [12-02-2011]
Module: OnApp - missing metered billing email templates afer fresh install [12-02-2011]
Module: OnApp - resources upgrade issue - for cloud package when upgrading package with sliders applied [12-02-2011]
Module: OnApp - Resource upgrades header appears without sliders enabled [12-05-2011]
General: Auto-logout customer if his account is deleted by administrator do not work [12-05-2011]
Modules: Cpanel DNS Management: Cannot change TTL [12-05-2011]
Modules: Domain: ResellerClub: Failed to register .co.nz TLD [12-05-2011]
Adminaera: Tab names from services submenu are not translated [12-05-2011]
General: Editing admins privileges will take effect immediately after saving [12-05-2011]

3.1.1 Date: 11-30-2011


Automation: Admin notification about client credit balance update
Automation: Its now possible to schedule custom automation task with minute/hour precision
Automation: Added option to schedule task after domain/product order (ie. send email 15minutes after order)
Automation: PDF invoices will be auto-disabled from sending if memory limit is too low for this operation
Billing: Fifth decimal place for metered billing prices/reports
Adminarea: Better looking and more usable statistics
Adminarea: Better indication of hidden products / addons
Adminarea: Warning next to send pdf invoices about too low memory limit for this operation
Adminarea: Pro-rata next month description in product/addon config
Adminarea: System information box in admin home-screen to monitor extensions/modules required by HostBill
Adminarea: ccEncryptionHash is no longer required to reveal/edit credit card
Adminarea: Added new admin privileges: View Credit Card Details, Edit Credit Card Details, Login as Client
Adminarea: System log entry when admin updates client credit card
Clientarea: "Back" button in service upgrade screen to return to service details
Modules: Test connection option for OpenSRS and ResellerClub based modules
Modules: Domain: Added new domain registration module for Antagus http://hostbillapp.com/features/apps/antagus.html
Modules: Hosting: Added Virtuozzo PVA module
Support: Ticket Details: Added Sender's IP Address

Bugs Fixed

Module: OnApp: Port speed/rate slider do not work, limit is set to 0 causing VM creation to fail
Module: OnApp: Os templates appear in resource upgrade/downgrade section in clientarea
Module: OnApp: Missing "refresh" button next to vm status
Module: OnApp: Link to delete in single VPS section should read "Cancel VPS"
Module: OnApp: Package upgrade is not possible if there are also sliders applied
Module: OnApp: When there are no template sets returned from OnApp, product config returns error
Invoices: Simplified chinese PDF invoice is not correctly displayed
Invoices: Generating PDF invoice with image, when GD extension is disabled results in blank page
General: Update to new version requires clearing templates_c contents
Adminarea: When package have metered billing enabled form elements are not displayed properly in cart
Adminarea: UTF-8 encoding issue on main page with recent orders
Adminarea: Unable to activate onapp/pdns modules on fresh-install, annuall licenses
Adminarea: Blank page when activating previously unistalled module
Module: SolusVM: Editing product result in blank page.
Module: 2checkout CURL SSL error when using subscription
Module: Direct links plugin in clientarea breaks it.
Automation: Increasing credit balance by adding funds is being not recorded in client activity log
Automation: Tasks no longer can block entire cron run
Automation: Email notification about client added contact does not break new lines
Clientarea: When no departments are available link to support is show on main clientarea page
Clientarea: Client language resets back to default on login
Module: Plesk version discovery returning wrong protocol version
Module: Enom SSL blank page on other than Enom SSL orderpage
General: Info and error messages weren't translated after redirect
Adminarea: Tickets: 'Quote selected' is not working in tickets, redirecting back to ticket list
Adminarea: Notes: Email notification do not contain URL with /admin prefix to ticket
Adminarea: Notes: Notes created under https contain wrong url
Adminarea: Ticket notes text do not auto-wrap, causing ticket window layout change
OrderPage: Flexible Height Boxes: When moving to the 2nd page of the order form, the pricing box on the right appears to be missing

3.1.0 Date: 11-23-2011

Key Features:

Module: Full PowerDNS integration http://hostbillapp.com/features/apps/powerdns.html
Module: Rebuilt OnApp module with number of new features: http://hostbillapp.com/features/apps/onapp.html
Orderpages: 5 new orderpages available http://hostbillapp.com/features/order-pages.php
Ticket notes: Added mini collaboration between admins

Changes / New features:

Products: Its now possible to set default value of Forms:Slider to be free in cart
Products: Its now possible to offer sub-products under Product settings->Components- >Sub Products
Tickets: Tickets with notes are now indicated on ticket listing
Orderpages: Orderpages are now even more flexible thanks to customization options (no HTML knowledge required)
Adminarea: Each listing now indicates total records found in DB
Adminarea: Accounts are now located in "Services" tab when browsing client profile, with handy total accounts indicator
Adminarea: SEO Configuration is now moved into Admin:Settings->Other, no more file edits
Adminarea: Its now possible to test App connection from App list
Adminarea: Ajax performance - improved by 25%
Adminarea: Added Settings->Security->Passwords to manage passwords complexity
Adminarea: Added Settings->Security->API Access to manage API access
Adminarea: Languages editor - added option to search for entry and to translate entries in bulk
Adminarea: Languages editor - added option to upload language icon
Adminarea: Languages editor - Country list is now possible to translate using languages editor
Modules: Added "Test Configuration" for domain registrars
Modules: Domain registrar module settings are now manageable from Apps
Modules: New plugin - Custom Direct cart links: http://extras.hostbillapp.com/newplugin- custom-direct-cart-links/
SSL Modules Update: increase of validity period for certificate (1,2,3,4,5 years)
Modules: Smartermail 8.x module has been improved [ http://hostbillapp.com/features/apps/smartermail.html ]
Modules: OnApp Load Balancer module improvements [ http://hostbillapp.com/features/apps/onappbalancers.html ]
Modules: Client domain management tools are enabled automatically when adding new tld

Bugs fixed:

Modules: EnomSSL: module is not dropping previous reseller cart contents before placing new orders
Modules: dot.tk module is broken for new registrations
Modules: Namecheap module: sync is not synchronizing domain expiration date
Modules: Hexonet module: Does not support multiple contacts
Modules: Resell.biz module: Does not support multiple contacts
Modules: Postfinance module is not working
Modules: Resell.biz module: Reglock is not synchronized
Modules: InternetBS module: blank screen when trying to activate
Modules: DirectAdmin module - Suspend/unsuspend does not work on some hosts
Modules: Extended attributes for select Form element in domain registrations are not passed to registrar
Modules: Virtuozzo module - test connection does not work
Modules: ResellerClub module - error when registering .co.nz domains
Modules: Resellerclub webhosting module - account is created with errors
Modules: HeartInternet domain registrar module dont work Modules: SolusVM - using save changes in account section cause module to drop connection with client VPS
Modules: VPS.NET: Bugs with create and upgrade plans fixed.
Automation: emails with long subjects containing non-ascii chars are sent without subject
Automation: It sometimes happens that HostBill try to create Addons before Accounts, when ordered at once
Automation: When creating VM with paid os template - tax is not charged if its on for main package
Adminarea: Client tickets listings are duplicated
Adminarea: long ticket subject mess tickets listing
Adminarea: Whois at admin area is not working properly
Adminarea: After adding new currency in "Currency & Tax Settings" and saving, the system goes to "General Settings" and all tabs stop working
Adminarea: Its sometimes not possible to enable imported language
Adminarea: Longer translations cannot be saved
Adminarea: Affiliates listing points to wrong client details when clicking on lastname
Adminarea: Its not possible to store nameserver IP addresses when configuring TLD
Adminarea: Non-privileged admin is able to increase client credit
Adminarea: Set client status to "Pending" is not working
Clientarea: Inactive client account cant login, no warning is displayed
Clientarea: Domains nameserver IP addresses are not listed
Clientarea: When adding new credit card it can be stored with white spaces
Domains: Whois for XXX domains is missing
Tickets: One ticket is multiplied in client tickets listing
Tickets: Bug: Auto-closing in-progress and client reply ticket
Cart: Form elements with recurring price set to 0 are not listed
Cart: checkout fails with domain order+additional currency
Cart: ordering domain may fail if cart contains one-step product
Cart: summary dissappear on dedicated orderpage
Cart: when ordering new addon from clientarea (i.e.: OnApp extra disk) total is shown as 0
Cart: Not all applied field logic rules works
Cart: Clients are able to pass first order page with no gateways enabled, which leads to errors
Ordering hidden addons (like OnApp additional IPs) shows order total=0
SEO: Captcha for tickets is not being displayed
SEO: problems downloading PDF invoice if seo is on
SEO: using pay now link when SEO is on generates wrong url to invoice
SEO: domain search is not working on all templates when full seo is enabled
PDF Invoices: account configuration items are not listed in separate lines


API: Rebuilt api - tokens are no longer required, use api_id,api_key for autorization. http://api.hostbillapp.com/
API: new methods for metered billing: meteredAddUsage, meteredGetUsage, meteredGetVariables

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