New Features

  • [2019 Theme] Added: Option to hide client notes for one-step orderpages
  • [Admin] Added: Separate admin ACL to allow to edit support ticket notes
  • [Admin] Changed: Ticket deadline date picker unified across browsers
  • [API] Added: checkAccountPrice, checkDomainPrice functions to verify whether current domain/account price is up to date with product configuration
  • [API] Added: getCountryTaxDetails call to get list of taxes configured for country/state
  • [API] Added: recalculateAccountPrice, recalculateDomainPrice functions to apply current product pricing to account/domain
  • [Colocation Manager] Added: Its now possible to disable drag and drop functionality of items on rack in module configuration
  • [Private products] Added: Link to related product/category from listing page

Bugs Fixed

  • [2019 Theme] Fixed: Empty box shows in 2019 wizard orderpage when no products are defined
  • [2019 Theme] Fixed: Terms of service shows in one-step orderpages even if not configured in admin UI
  • [Admin] Fixed: If invoice/document template contains {literal} tag it fails to render
  • [Admin] Fixed: Income forecast is not taking account quantity into account
  • [Cart] Fixed: If the domain has recurring amount set to 0, then the client in clientarea can manually renew the domain several times
  • [Cart] Fixed: When using hash instead of id for direct cart link sometimes wrong category is auto-selected
  • [Clientarea] Fixed: Contracts client function breaks css for rendered contract
  • [Multibrand] Fixed: Wrong statement descriptor was used when payment was captured from admin UI
  • [] Fixed: Sometimes cannot set organization name in contact details
  • [OpenProvider] Fixed: Cannot register domain with .se TLD
  • [Password Manager] Fixed: Custom secrets are stored in audit log when shared through secret link in admin UI
  • [Relatime Register] Fixed: Unable to get auth code for some TLDs
  • [SSLModules] Fixed: Sometimes the account is renewed twice

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