New Features

  • [API] Added: getClientTaxDetails call to summarize tax-related information for client
  • [Domain Reseller] Added: Added support for additional registration fields required for some tlds
  • [Email Verification] Added: UI for admin to bulk-unverify multiple emails at once
  • [MailChimp] Added: Support for automatically removing customers from mailchimp list, if his email is not verified in Email Verification plugin
  • [Matomo] Added: Possibility to send a request when adding an item to the cart
  • [Matomo] Added: Possibility to send a request while viewing product details
  • [Matomo] Added: Support for the Multibrand module
  • [Upcloud] Changed: VMs are created with vnc console disabled by default for security, requesting console from client portal enables it with fresh password
  • [] Added: Possibility to set Sales Account for each product category

Bugs Fixed

  • [2019 Theme] Fixed: Domain pricing for 2019 orderpage template is stacked on mobile view
  • [2019 Theme] Fixed: Domain that is canceled show empty warning message in client portal.
  • [API] Fixed: orderUpgrade does not recognize billing cycle correctly and requires package id just for cycle change
  • [Client area] Fixed: Unable to verify account with email or mobile if MFA is enforced.
  • [ClouDNS] Fixed: Error about unsupported TTL when adding records.
  • [DCIManager6] Fixed: Unable to get instance for statistics error on latest version of DCIManager.
  • [DNS] Fixed: Cannot add/edit record in some browsers for client portal
  • [Google Workspace] Fixed: Module conflicts with Google_SSO module and fails to connect when both are enabled
  • [Openstack] Fixed: Copy/paste cloudconfig looses newlines
  • [OVH] Fixed: In some cases the domain cannot be renewed
  • [Plesk] Fixed: Serial for SOA record is not updated correctly in DNS Tool
  • [PolarisMail] Fixed: Error message during user creation despite user being properly added
  • [PolarisMail] Fixed: Password complexity is not verified correctly in UI before creating account
  • [Proxmox] Fixed: Discard option is not added for virtio drives.
  • [Proxmox] Fixed: Missing translations for bandwidth in/out.
  • [Proxmox] Fixed: Wrong network device used for VMs.
  • [SMS Verification] Fixed: UI is broken on old templates.
  • [] Fixed: SEPA module manual payment from client portal may fail if client have mandate and option to remove it is disabled
  • [Tickets] Fixed: Staff adding reply to internal ticket adds portal notification about it
  • [UserAPI] Fixed: PHP Code samples does not work correctly with recent Guzzle library
  • [VMManager] Fixed: Change form fields from admin account details may not work correctly
  • [VMManager] Fixed: Stop/restart calls are sent without force: false parameters

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