08 Apr, 2024

Build full-featured, white-label DNS solution with HostBill and RealtimeRegister


RealtimeRegister is a domain name management platform with a portfolio of add-on products, tools and services. RealtimeRegister Premium DNS module for HostBill allows you to automate your DNS offerings and customize it to fit your customers needs. With HostBill you can sell DNS services and charge Per DNS Zone, offer DNS Management for domain names or offer free DNS to other services. Your products can be easily configured using multiple product configuration options and fully automated. Product automation covers the account management (creating the account, upgrades, suspension, terminations based on automation rules) and DNS Templates (managing predefined template, import/export of the DNS templates). The module has multiple client functionalities available, to enable end-clients create and manage DNS Zones & Records, clone DNS Records, apply DNS Templates and manage the records in bulk, as well as add, edit and delete DNS Entries. Admin panel enables to list client zones, import/export DNS templates and manage and control client information.

  • Integration Features:
  • Billing
  • Client Area
  • Admin Area
  • Documentation
  • Changelog
  • Charge Per DNS Zone
  • Offer Free DNS to other services
  • Offer DNS Management for domain names


  • Auto-import existing zones to HostBill
  • Create Account
  • Upgrade / Downgrade Resources
  • Suspend, Unsuspend, Terminate
  • Manage Predefined DNS Templates
  • Import/Export DNS Templates

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