cPanel is the premier control panel for automating and simplifying server configuration, email, and website management. cPanel DNS integration is a full-featured, white-label DNS solution that lets you start your own Managed DNS Hosting service with HostBill.
HostBill provides multiple billing models and components and enables you to offer your DNS services as paid (with multiple billing cycles available), free or add-on service. The solution is fully automated (DNS accounts are automatically provisioned), integrated with domain registration (clients can manage DNS entries for their domains on your servers) and integrated with VPS services (you can offer your clients easy way to create DNS records with their IPs).
Thanks to HostBill you can create great service with DNS templates - add Google mail and other commonly used templates for faster DNS zone setup. You can easily import and export your templates for future use with other products and preview zone settings created from DNS template. Fully featured client interface gives your clients full control over their DNS zones, with ability to add/edit/remove DNS zones and all available DNS records, clone zone records between domains and use predefined DNS Templates.