Billing Agreement is a PayPal feature that allows to create agreement for recurring PayPal or debit card payment for goods or services. Billing Agreement is different that subscriptions billing as the amount to be charged and time of payment are not fixed but can be specified by the buyer. This HostBill module allows the client to create a billing agreement with the seller when making the first order. Once the agreement is set, HostBill will automatically charge the PayPal account or the credit/debit card for the next invoices. Client can also choose to pay for any other order using the existing agreement simply by clicking “Charge existing PayPal Billing Agreement” button next to the given invoice and the module will automatically collect the payment.
Gateways requires redirecting customer to gateway frontend to finish payment.
Onsite processingGateway processes payment in background - your client will not leave HostBill UI.
CaptureThis integration processes customer credit card in background when customer confirms payment in HostBill UI.
Process PaymentsThe transaction is processed live without staff intervention - customer submits payment which is processed by HostBill with PayPal Billing Agreeements.
RefundsIntegration supports one-click refunds processing for your staff members. Transaction can be easily refunded from invoice details.
Recurring ChargesThis integration allows HostBill to process recurring charges. Customer card / payment profile can be automatically captured by HostBill when recurring invoice is issued.